France is associated with many tourists not only with frogs, adhesive fields and the Eiffel Tower. France is one of the most cultural countries of Europe and, having arrived in this country, you have a unique opportunity to join the traditions of the French people and take over some useful rules of etiquette.
Going to France, be sure to purchase a French phraser. After all, most French believe that all decent people should own French. Therefore, knowledge of elementary words will greatly facilitate your stay in this country. But this does not mean that the French do not speak other foreign languages, for example, in English. They are well owned by people working in the service sector. If you have to turn to local residents in English, be prepared for the fact that, most likely, they will express demonstrative misunderstanding. Entering the cafe, restaurant, museum or even an elevator where you are encountered with unfamiliar people, it is customary to cook "Bonjour, Monsieur" or "Bonjour, Madame". Such an appeal is considered more courteous than simply "Bonjour", and if you know the person's name, it is better to call a person by name during the greeting. You always need to smile and be polite. If you are well acquainted with a person who are welcome, then in France, it is customary to kiss him into one or both cheeks. Men can kiss another man only if they are good friends. Only a particularly close person can kiss the cheek three times.If you eat to the country to visit French friends, the mistake will bring them a gift for real Russian vodka, if they did not ask for such a gift. The French are great connoisseurs of good wine, besides, Russian vodka can be bought in France. Better bring the souvenirs of your hometown: magnets, figurines, pictures or something in this spirit.