Such a natural phenomenon like a thunderstorm causes a delight and admiration in man on the other side, on the other hand, the feeling almost an animal fear, because it is really scary and dangerous for health and life. Surely the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm taught at school in the valves of the Obzh, but so much we remember from the school program, especially on secondary subjects. Consider the most likely cases - when and how it can catch a thunderstorm and how to behave in such situations to avoid serious consequences.
How to behave during a thunderstorm at home
First of all, get comfortable that all the vents are closed, the curtains, and the curtains are shoved, and all the electricity users are turned off without exception. Try to distract from what is happening, do your favorite thing (viewing the TV, the game on the computer is not an option), for example, read your favorite book until the thunderstorm is presented and preferably away from the windows.
How to behave during a thunderstorm at the reservoir
A wonderful summer day was issued, and you decided to pamper yourself by going to the beach. Water is the best conductor of the electric charge, therefore is perhaps the most dangerous version for a person who is at the reservoir. The main thing to comply with the security will be completely removed from the water. This also applies to those cases if you are already in water - swimming or floating on a water vehicle. Attach the maximum effort and choose from the water to land, do it nourished, because during a thunderstorm - you are the best object in the field of its impact.
How to behave during a thunderstorm in the forest
It is unlikely that you envy a person who is in the forest during a thunderstorm. Do not panic, because the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of the immersing. Urgently chosen from the forest, or try to urgently find some kind of open area, glade. Again, turn off all the electrical appliances (electronic toys, if you are with children, mobile, navigators, and the like) and, grouped, get on the ground.
How to behave during a thunderstorm in the car
First of all, stop the car, turn off the radio, fold the antenna and muffle the engine. True, earlier should be taken care of safety measures and be at a decent distance from water bodies, trees and power lines. Despite the precautions, the car is almost the safest place in a thunderstorm.
How to behave during a thunderstorm in the open space
It is best on the open space to look for some deepening in the ground away from water, power lines and trees. The rest operates the same algorithm. Electrical appliances, mobile phones, navigators, group, sit down (in no way lie down). Do not commit any sharp, attracting attention.
Facility factors in a thunderstorm
So, make conclusions from the read.
Rules of behavior:
- Without sharp movements.
- Away from water, trees, hills, power lines and metal objects.
- Closer to the ground (sneezing, hurt your head, graze legs with your hands).
Remember, the higher the tree, the greater the chances of getting lightning into it. Best of all charge pine charges, ate, poplar and oaks. And worse trees such as maple, birch and hazel. If the tree has already been susceptible to the lightning strike, the thunderstorm can choose it again (here the rule "into one funnel" does not work).
If the time is reduced between the outbreak of lightning and grommet, the thunderstorm is very close, and inversely proportional.
Try while thunderstorm behave as reasonably as possible, follow the recommendations given, because in many cases it saves life.