Where to go to the May holidays with children

Where to go to the May holidays with children

Several times a year holidays and weekends give us a small mini vacation. And if you have children, these free days can be used to spend more time with them, because adults are so rarely managed to fully relax along with children and pay their attention to them. Some of the longest vacations usually fall out at the beginning of May, festive and weekends only briefly interrupted by working everyday life. If you take a few days at the expense of vacation, you can make yourself a good rest.

If you still have no opportunity to leave the city, you need your presence at work or there is still some kind of reason, you can spend a fun time in the city. You can visit the cinema with the child and see the interesting movie or cartoon. Spend time in the Amusement Park - ride on the rides, shoot in a dash, hire rollers or bikes and take a walk in the fresh air. You can also visit an interesting exhibition, a museum, master class, go to a children's theater for an interesting play.

Spend time on nature - go to the cottage, make up agrotourism, fire the kebabs, leaving in the forest on a picnic. Play Volleyball, bounced or "potatoes". Find out if you have a stable in your city where you can ride with horseback - your children will receive unforgettable impressions from communication with horses, will learn how to care for these animals will feed them with an apple or carrot and, of course, shake on a horse under the supervision of a hair and coach. It will also be interesting to spend time in the zoo, especially where there is an opportunity to feed animals. This causes delight not only in children, but also in adults.

Contact a travel company operating in your region, here you will be offered excursions for a few days - in places of historical glory, leaving fishing - river, lake, marine - depending on geography. The most prepared and sports can try their strength in mountain climb. This is usually 1-2-day excursions with departure to the recreation center, a long-lasting transition through the forest to the top of the mountain. Impressions and photos will be enough for you very long.

If the area in which you live, replete rivers, then an excellent option of active recreation will be organized alloy along the river. Such excursions can occupy both one day and a few, depending on the transition range. Typically, tourists are brought to the source of the river, where they sit on the rafts and are already descending downstream on them. The degree of complexity of the route must be taken into account, according to the fact that the children will go with you, and choose enough calm rivers without rapid hikes, where you can also go fishing and watching the local literature.

An option for more expensive recreation can be a trip abroad. Depending on your choice, it can be a trip to Asian countries, to the sea, or to Europe to visit Disneyland or other amusement parks. When choosing a tour, try to choose countries where it is easy to get to not waste extra days for the flights. You can visit the near abroad or some resort, where the nonsense charters fly daily. Usually, travel agencies themselves offer several tours to choose from the May holidays - managers prepare such proposals in advance, developing the most convenient and interesting routes.

If you are not constrained in the means, as well as not alien to the beautiful, then you must visit one of the flower parks of the world, because it is from mid-April to mid-May here you can see just amazing beauty floral exposures. One of the most famous parks is the Garden of Asicag Colors near Tokyo (Japan), just at this time here are blooming wisteria - these are tree lianas with long floral inflorescences. Liana live for many years, which allows the living compositions - arches, pergolas, tunnels. Another famous color park is located in the Netherlands - this is the Royal Park Kökenhof. Tulips, daffodils, roses - millions of colors and hundreds of species. Every year visitors are taken here from mid-April to mid-May.

May holidays make it possible not only to take a break from work, but also to talk closer with our own children, as well as arrange a small, but unforgettable vacation.

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