Where to go in the output

Where to go in the output

The long-awaited weekend come, and I want to spend these two treasured day. You can, of course, to sit at home watching television and relax body and soul, but there are plenty of other nice hobby that will help diversify your leisure.

The most popular activity - a shopping, especially in the various shopping malls. Such centers are very suitable for recreation in the company or family, here you can combine business with pleasure. As a useful - planned purchases at grocery stores, and pleasant - it is a walk from one store to another, the ability to entertain the kids on playgrounds, snack at the food court. And all this from the comfort of a shopping center.

At the weekend you can go to the theater, museum, cinema, which over the weekend suggest the most interesting repertoire. It should be noted that every third Sunday of the month is known as the day of free admission to museums, lists of which are available on the official website of the city.

Walking through the parks, which bring together as much as possible with nature and also located in the city - is the best option for relaxing on warm days. Most of the parks it on the weekend to prepare a special cultural program, which finds positive feedback among visitors. You can walk along the promenade on foot or by boat.

If you want a weekend get active, then at different times of the year you can ride bikes, rollerblading, skiing or skating. Each of these items, if desired, can be rented.

If you lovers of flora and fauna, it is worth visiting the zoo with unique animals and a horse riding club, which offers a ride on these majestic animals.

Youth over the weekend can go to nightclubs, billiard, bowling alleys and other places. All these entertainments are united one goal - entertainment. And despite the fact that in these places, and you can go on a weekday, weekend offer is unlimited during holiday time.

What would not your weekend, the main thing - that everyone was able to get the maximum number of impressions and start a new working week with the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to spend the next weekend.




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