Where to go on weekends in Yekaterinburg

Where to go on weekends in Yekaterinburg

Sometimes the moment comes when the long-awaited weekend no longer wants to lie on the sofa. Sometimes you want an active holiday, learn something new about your city or go to another. And if you chose Yekaterinburg for weekends, then this article will help navigate in the city's places and do not miss those that you would like to visit.

An excellent place to hold a weekend, especially in the hot season, is the Victory Park. He is densely planted with trees, which will help to hide from summer sunlight. Also in the park there is a "health trail" with a length of 2 km, along which simulators are installed, bars, treadmill, etc. Outside the park is located lake Shuvakish, where you can spend time for fishing, fry kebabs or just sunbathe.

The park

Interesting both for residents and guests of the city, a hike to the Museum of Stone will be. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the development of jewelry and stone business in these parts and evaluate the ability to create unusual things of local masters. The main hall introduces a collection of malachite, jasper, marble. There is a jewelry department where visitors can see the trends and style of this art at different times. In order to see modern types of stone processing with gold and silver, it is enough to go into a separate room, which is fully dedicated to this topic.

Museum of Stone

Culturally spend time will contribute 24 theater in Yekaterinburg. In the very center of the city you can visit the Sverdlovsk State Academic Theater, which has visitors in the inner atmosphere. You can choose one of the halls - the main or new one. Mostly the hall is the opportunity to observe what is happening on the stage, sitting at the table. And the performance can be chosen to your taste: be it an adult or child. There will be no problems with the ticket. It can be booked via the Internet, then get at the checkout.


Music lovers on weekends are waiting for the Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic, which will provide the opportunity to enjoy lively organ music. Daily on the old German authority of the company W.Souer are executed by Arias, romances and other genres of classical music.


The most favorite entertainment for adults and children, of course, is a circus. In Yekaterinburg, the Circus Building itself is worthy of attention. The dome has an openwork structure - as if cut out of white paper. The program is very diverse, it includes speeches of clowns, acrobats, jugglers, artists from around the world and even ideas on ice.


Just walking around the city, you can visit interesting places. For example, the embankment of the River Iset, referred to as "Damnaya". The dam was built three more centuries ago, now is a popular place for hiking, walks on bicycles and on the rollers. Not far from the dam is located Wainer, there are cast iron benches, a variety of sculptures and beautiful nature.


And it is still very interesting to look at the city and evaluate all its beauty from a bird's eye view. You can do this in one of the business centers, which is called "Vysotsky" and is located on the street. Malyshev. In the skyscraper of only 54 floors, on the 51st floor there is an observation deck, for the entrance to which you have to pay. Also on this floor there are restaurants, dining in which, you can enjoy a view from the window.


Ekaterinburg is a very interesting city and beauty city. This city is not similar to the rest of Russia. Locals will meet you with warmth, joy and responsiveness.


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