How to spend time in St. Petersburg

How to spend time in St. Petersburg

Favorite tourist destination - a trip to the "Cultural Capital" of Russia St. Petersburg. The city is famous for large numbers of attractions, culture, crude weather and white nights. Opportunities have a good time here is abuse. The main thing is to determine preferences and choose a direction.

Those who are interested in history, architecture, monuments of Starina should be included on the tour: Hermitage, Admiralty, Alexandrian Pillars, the House of Yusupov and Museums, which in St. Petersburg have a huge number, such as Pushkin's House-Museum.

If you are interested in the history of religion, then be sure to inspect the State Museum of History of Religions. The continuation of this route will be St. Isaac's Cathedral, then you can listen to the service in the Kazan Cathedral, visit a free excursion in the Savor-on-blood Temple. The completion of the route is the most northern Buddhist temple near the Staraya Village metro station.

Fans of the military and revolutionary history of Peter can inspect the famous Winter Palace, to visit the cruiser Aurora, see a lot of interesting exhibits in the Artillery Museum. Be sure to include the Smolny Memorial Museum on this route.

Peter is a paradise place for cultural leisure lovers. We only need to order tickets in advance to the most famous theaters: Mariinsky, Small, Alexandria. Jazz fans listen to music in a GFC jazz cafe, there are the best musicians of the city playing their improvisation. Supporters of contemporary art recommend the Loft-project "floors" on the Ligovsky Prospect.

Ballet_V_Marinsky_Tatera, _Sunct Petersburg

Visitors of the Northern Capital, who arrived with children, can be recommended to visit several interesting places. First go to the oceanarium. In it you with children will see a bright entertainment program, many marine inhabitants. Then visit the cafe "Cat of the Republic" - the first cafe in Russia for lovers of fluffy, Water Park Pierland is one of the largest in Russia and the planetarium to go to the space flight.

You want to make a fabulous holiday to yourself and children, then visit "Divo Island" - Amusement Park on the Cross. Here on weekends and everyday life rushes a large number of visitors with children and youth companies. All attractions are divided into conditional zones: "Extreme", "family", "children's". There is a shooting gallery here, you can ride a horse.

Lovers relax in the fresh air, preferring dynamic entertainment, will like the paraglider flight. If you combine this service with an excursion, then by flying over St. Petersburg, you will receive not only an adrenaline injection, but also learn something new about the city. Play your paintball, in St. Petersburg there are special paintball clubs. Ride on horseback, communication with them is charged with energy. There is: Manege, Ozers and other clubs.

If you want not just to have dinner, and also sit in an unusual restaurant or cafes that are able to surprise visitors to the visitors, the menu and interior, then such places are enough: the coffee shop "more coffee" is located in the real grotto, the restaurant "Macaroniki" - on the roof Buildings, you can take a walk and admire the views, floating restaurant "Regatta", the restaurant "Green Room" - on the 3rd floor of the Loft project "Floors" and the cafe "The Church of the Artist" - on an open attic, from there a beautiful view of Griboyedov's Channel.

In good weather in summer, a mandatory event is a walk on the ship on the canals and the rivers of St. Petersburg. Of the sets of routes, the most interesting goes through the Griboyedov Channel, the hook channel, washing. Slowing under the picturesque bridges, you can see the sights that are difficult to go around.


Fans of nightlife will also get their share of entertainment here. You can list many clubs and nights of Night Peter: "Fidel", "Purga", "Griboedov", "Dacha" and others. Deep night here life does not end, but only begins.

To spend a romantic evening in St. Petersburg, walk on foot, at night the city is even more beautiful, admire the bridge divorce. You can enjoy this action on the palace or Admiralty embankment from 1.30 nights. Warm summer air, white nights, musicians on the embankment will make this night unique.

Can't choose a direction? St. Petersburg is an amazing city in itself, attractions in it at every step. Just get out of the hotel and go where the legs are carrying, you will not be left without impressions. The city-Museum of beauty, history, culture and art gives rise to a desire to return to it again and again.

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