How to spend the weekend in Pskov

How to spend the weekend in Pskov

Regardless of whether you are a native inhabitant of ancient Pskov or plan to go on a tour, this city is rich in attractions that should be seen and visited. Therefore, problems with how to culturally spend the weekend in Pskov, can not be ...

The first mention of the city of Pskov in the chronicles are found in the 903 of our era. Naturally, such a rich history left a lot of sights. This, for example, Pskov Kremlin. This fortress survived a huge number of enemy attacks and attacks and at the same time survived and preserved to our times. This is one of the largest similar strengthening facilities that have been preserved since the times of ancient Russia.

The composition of the Pskov Kremlin includes another sign of the Troitsky Cathedral, which in ancient times was the center of Pskov lands. There was the most important acts of the then principality - tips, ceremonies and so on. The current Cathedral of the fourth on account and built in 1699 on the foundation of the three previous ones.

Another pride of Pskov is the Church of St. Vasily the Great. According to the legend, this temple stands on the protection of citizens from unclean forces. In the 16th century, the bells of the temple were announced about the attack of the enemy, which was saved by many citizens.

The Gremyachya Tower attracts lovers of mysticism and inexplicable. There is an ancient legend that the sorcerer lived here, which was enchanted by a local beauty, and since then she has been sleeping in some of the rooms since the 16th century, when this tower was erected. If your soul is chista, and thoughts are immaculate, you can risk to revive the beauty by spending 12 days from her tomb and spending a special ritual.

If the story of you little interests and the soul stretches more to the art, welcome to the local academic theater named after Pushkin. This creative Mecca pleases fans now more than a hundred theatrical seasons. In addition, look at the Pskov Theater dolls. Here are ideas not only for children, but also for adults.

Many feature films shot in Pskov. Many travel agencies offer a tour of cinematographic fame.

For lovers of museum exhibits, its doors welcome the Pskov Museum-Reserve. It includes several different museums and architectural monuments. Here collected painting and culture, starting from the 12th century. She focused in the grinding chambers, art gallery, Savior Preobrazhensky Cathedral and other places.

Go to Pskov for the weekend - a great way to spend time. And besides very inexpensive. If you are not a local resident, you can not be at all expensive in the economy class hotels.

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