When in St. Petersburg white nights

When in St. Petersburg white nights

Many travelers who conceived to visit Petersburg want to combine this trip over time of the offensive in the city of "White Nights". What are white nights and when they come in St. Petersburg?

Under the concept white Nightsit is implied by a natural phenomenon, when the natural illumination is not too low at night. Instead of the pitch darkness in the city at night there are permanent twilight. This is due to the fact that the sun goes beyond the horizon for no more than 7 degrees. In the cities located on the sixtieth geographical parallel, such a natural phenomenon can be observed.

Crop buildings

Petersburg - is located at 59.9 ° north latitude, so it is in this city that you can watch the most beautiful Russian white nights in all the magnificence.

Bridges cut

In addition to St. Petersburg, white nights can be observed in many other cities of Russia. The question is how much their duration is that people pay attention to them. In St. Petersburg, except the longest bright nights, and the most wonderful architecture. This is an incredible combination and travelers to North Palmyra.

White nights in St. Petersburg begin on May 26 and last until July 16. But officially, they even write about this in all Russian media, this is the period from June 11 and July 2. The same bright white nights are observed on June 21-22. During official white nights in the city, street night lighting does not turn on, so in it light. At the same time, a little earlier or later, an increased natural illumination is also observed on the streets, but not as much as in the peak of white nights.

Not in all places of St. Petersburg white night looks equally. Locals argue that the brightest places are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gulf of Finland and on the Elagina Arrow. It affects the water mirror, reflecting the light, and the geographical location of these objects.


Night walks in St. Petersburg can be addressed to other no less interesting events that occur in days of light nights. This discovery of fountains (end of May), city day (May 27), kvass and beer festival (beginning of July). Well, of course, the International Music Festival "White Nights", within which the celebration of graduates "Scarlet Sails" are held.

Scarlet Sails

If you are going to Petersburg to look at the "White Nights", I sincerely envy you. Pleasant travel and wonderful emotions to you!

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