How to behave in the forest

How to behave in the forest

Since Spring and Autumn, when it is warm weather, more and more people go to the forest. Someone goes to relax, someone - collect mushrooms or just breathe clean forest air. However, not everyone knows how to behave in the forest. After all, this is a kind of separate world in which you can get lost, hurt or become a victim of wild beasts.

Come or arriving at the picnic, the first rule that you need to remember is always remove trash. To do this, you should have garbage bags. It is important to refer to the wealth of nature, with which humanity can enjoy in their pleasure. After all, it is not for nothing that the folk wisdom states that it is purely not where they clean, and where they do not grow.

There was an unexpected situation, and the man got lost in the forest. Of course, this is not enough of this, but it's not worth falling into a panic. Despite the fact that you can easily get lost, it is also easy to find the way back. Excellent if the compass is with you. Entering into the forest, you need to see where the arrow indicates, and getting lost, move in the opposite direction. If this device is not at hand, the sides of the light can be determined by indirect features. For example, moss grows on a tree on the northern side. At the same time, during the movement in the forest, it is important to listen to sounds - they will help you find the way. Article " How to determine the parties of light"To help you.

Avoid wild animals and other forest inhabitants. It is not known who can be triggered in high grass or under a log. To do this, before going around, you need to dress accordingly: high shoes, dense pants, a dense hooded jacket, a backpack with essential things. This equipment will help protect against insects, reptiles and other livelies. When the risk of collisions with wild animals arises during staying in the forest, it is better to avoid it, removing in the opposite direction.

Show extreme caution when breeding a fire, because the fire is the main enemy of the forest. The fire destroys everything in its path, therefore the bonfire after itself should be thoroughly sliding with water or pour out the earth. It is not recommended to dilute the hearth into windy weather and in the fire hazard period.

In the forest should behave as visiting. It is not allowed to chop trees and shrubs for their own purposes, destroy other natural wealth. To the surrounding nature and forest inhabitants are made with deep respect. If everyone is preserved by the wealth of the environment, she will long be delighted by Humanity with his beauty.

Observing the simplest rules, the forest generously thanks to its visitors on only the gifts of nature, but also amazingly beautiful and clean places for a comfortable stay.

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