Where is Ibiza

Where is Ibiza

Ibiza - in this word many are dreaming unforgettable vacation, exotic islands, ocean noise, amazing service. Rest on this island is very popular, in travel agencies it is better to book a tour in advance, and you can travel on your own.

Ibiza Island is located in the Mediterranean, just 80 km from Spain. Its area is impressive - more than 570 km2, so it is considered the third largest in the Balearic archipelago, which has more than 50 islands. This is a unique terrain, like Fermentera Island, covered with pine forests and almonds. Refreshing aroma of needles not only helps to gain inner peace, but also heals from many diseases.

To get to Ibiza faster than the aircraft - 5 hours of flight will be held, and you can rejoice in the pure air, refreshing bromin, amazing landscapes of the island. Visit a crowded beach or go on one of the uninhabited islands for a secluded rest - a choice for you. The holiday season is officially opened in May and lasts in October, but quite a few tourists come in late autumn to enjoy a quiet atmosphere and a special flavor of the island.

And if there is a desire to see Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Majorca, Gerona, Seville, Valencia, then why refuse to himself in such a pleasure, especially since it does not take much time to get from these cities to Ibiza. Traveling on the ferry is the most pleasant way of crossing from one of the islands of the Balearic archipelago to Ibiza. In just 70 euros, it is possible to overcome this path from Barcelona, \u200b\u200band from Mallorca - for 50 euros. When you have a flight, you immediately recognize Ibiza, because it is also called a white island, rightly considering the most beautiful in this area. Colorful bays, comfortable beaches, framed by high cliffs with pine forests, attract many tourists.

Lovers of nightlife and entertainment is best to stay in San Antonio, where they are waiting for a lot of nightclubs who love the British youth so much. Here are low prices and many ways are noisy to have fun. For connoisseurs of active recreation, the resort of Playa Dan-Boss is best suited, he is close to the airport and famous for his clubs and wonderful beaches. With little kids, it is worth going to Santa Eulalia - calmly and quiet here.

On the island, everyone will be able to find a way to fully relax: not fat on the beach or surfing, sailing, riding a boat or boat, visiting new islands every day - all these benefits offer you a beautiful Ibiza.

Island always waiting for guests, no matter when you visit the island. Soft winter and warm summer, comfortable temperature and purest water, white sandy beaches and aroma of coniferous forest, the best hotels and the removable service offers you Ibiza.

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