Where to go to Belarus

Where to go to Belarus

Belarus is known for its relict forests, an amazing vegetable and animal world. Pure untouched nature of these places attracts hundreds of tourists from around the world. In addition, the history of this country is rich in events who left their mark on such cities as Vitebsk, Polotsk, Grodno, Brest and others.

First of all, Belarus is famous for inexpensive, but high-quality sanatoriums. A favorable climate, mineral waters and dirt contribute to effective treatment. Sanatoriums are located away from large cities, in the forests on the banks of the rivers. All this contributes to a quiet and relaxing holiday. In the sanatoriums of Belarus, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and metabolic disorders are treated.

You can enjoy the beautiful nature of Belarus by visiting one of the most famous Europe's reserves - Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Animals listed in the "Red Book" live in this huge reserve. The host of the Belarusian forest bison come to see from around the world.

You can give a tribute to the victims of the Great Patriotic War in the Memorial Complex Khatyn. The Khatyn tragedy falls on March 22, 1943, when a whole village ceased to exist. In the memorial complex there is a sculpture dedicated to the only surviving blacksmith, who has found the body of his son among hundreds of corpses of fellow villagers. The authors of the Memorial managed to convey the idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism and loyalty to his Fatherland, show the resistance of the Belarusian people.

On the banks of the river, the bird is located in the open-air museum of "Dudadds", dedicated to the old crafts and technologies. Here you can plunge into the atmosphere of the 19th century, learn about the life of the Belarusian manor life. An old bakery offers guests to bake a loaf, a pottery workshop - make products from clay with their own hands. Walking through the windows of the museum, you can find an old mill, a cheerful, forge and taste the real Belarusian moonshine.

The Brest Fortress is one of the attractions that attract tourists from different countries. The fortress is a monument of the Second World War, and many films shot about her defense. The Museum of Defense Museum of the Brest Fortress is located on the territory of the fortress.

You can look at the 19th century architecture by visiting the Gomel Palace-Park Ensemble. Here is the Palace of Rumyantsev and Passevichi, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. On the territory of the palace and park ensemble you can walk all day, enjoying the palaces, parks, cathedrals.

Be sure to visit the capital of Belarus - Minsk. Here you will find many monuments, cozy parks, shopping streets. For leisure children in Minsk, the zoo and dolphinarium are open. Art lovers will be able to evaluate a large theater built in the style of constructivism. In the center of Minsk is the Freedom Square - the heart of the city, the favorite place of tourists.

It is impossible to learn all Belarus, making only one trip. This amazing country will want to come again and again, visiting the vintage cities, getting acquainted with local customs, lifestyle and culture.

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