How to dress for flight

How to dress for flight

With the onset of the vacation season, so you want to fly away somewhere far into hot, exotic countries. Suitcases, bags are collected in anticipation of rest. And ahead is waiting for registration, flight and possibly very tedious and long. Therefore, it is necessary to surround yourself with comfort, comfort. First of all, it depends on the clothing in which you will fly. So how do you need to dress?

Clothes must be free, breathable. Materials are preferable to natural - from cotton, flax. It can be a sports kit, a tunic with soft leggings. Denim pants, narrow and short skirts, dresses are better not to wear. In them, you will be uncomfortable for a long time to sit in one place for a few hours. This is especially true of jeans that are all compressed.

Choosing shoes, prefer comfortable, easily removed. Preferably without heels, on a flat sole. For example, sneakers, moccasins, ballet shoes. You should not wear a new, not twisted shoes. It is probability that it will rub, compress.

Underwear should also be made of natural fabrics, comfortable. It may be underwear "without seams".

When you switch in the cold season, you can wear a warm sweater, a slight jacket. You can then put them in manual sting or renting at the airport to the storage chamber.

If you have a long flight you can take disposable slippers with you. Feet during this time will rest, and you will feel better.

In the aircraft itself, it may be cool, especially if the air conditioner is included. To do this, you can put in the handbag knitted blouse, warm palatine.

Also, it should not be stirred too much, painted, and long hair is better to collect in the tail. Follow all these tips, and your flight will be most comfortable.

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