What to bring from Vietnam

What to bring from Vietnam

Having been in exotic Vietnam, it is necessary to bring something to memory from this country. Make gifts your favorite and, of course, give friends and relatives. Moreover, the goods in Vietnam is very inexpensive, especially - if you can bargain.

In Vietnam, sewing very beautiful silk clothes. At the same time, Vietnamese silk is characterized by the highest quality. Bright silk bathrobe can be bought for only $ 10. And to him men's pajamas, bed linen, bedspreads and decorative pads. Silk products are best bought in corporate stores that are with each silk factory. If the dress you choose for yourself will be a little great, then it will be customized on the figure here and completely free.

Silk fans, handbags, umbrellas and even paintings can be bought in any souvenir shop. Often it is a family business, and the products you buy are made by family members of the seller.

Pattern trim

Elegant women's decorations from ivory, silver and pearls in Vietnam are three times cheaper than in Russia. If you choose on pearls, buy sea - it is higher, but it is worth the whole dollars 30 per set of necklaces with a bracelet.


Purse, keystone, bags and belts of crocodile leather. A very original gift and the price is quite accessible. The most expensive belt in the store will cost about $ 50. It is better to purchase the skin in large shopping centers, where there are certificates of quality for all products.


Surely you want to buy Vietnamese green tea. Do not go around and white, Puer and Ulong. With all sorts of fragrant additives, they cost quite accessible, 5-8 $ for Kilo. And the coffee is only $ 4 kilogram. Moreover, the Vietnamese coffee you have hardly tried. It turns out that in Vietnam produce about 30 of its varieties, and all of it goes to export to the countries of the European Union. And the Europeans know the sense in good coffee.


All Russians are trying to bring local alcoholic beverages from abroad. Vodka with mercillary snakes and scorpions is likely to stand in the bar as a souvenir. For tasting it is better to buy ordinary rice vodka without creeping reptiles and local rum with various additives. Experts claim that these two drinks can be pleasantly surprised by a subtle taste.


Souvenirs from bamboo and mahogany, which in Vietnam are sold at every corner, almost nothing. They can buy a whole suitcase to bring all Vietnam from the journey to everyone.


And you can also purchase beautiful porcelain dishes painted by hieroglyphs. It will become an excellent decoration of your home, and you will be happy to use it by appointment.


And do not forget to buy real Vietnamese slippers - Vietnamese! If you were in their homeland and did not bought them - consider what you were not there. But it's just a pretty joke.

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