What to bring from Jordan

What to bring from Jordan

Jordan is an incredibly interesting country. If you visited it, they were most likely on the Dead Sea, and in the rocks of Peter. So, first of all, it is necessary to buy precisely those souvenirs that are associated with these unforgettable places.

Cosmetics based on salts and mud of the Dead Sea. No woman will remain indifferent if she managed to take advantage of truly miraculous means. They are really rejuvenated, toned and do not give the skin to grow old. Such cosmetics in Jordan is sold at every corner, but it is worth buying it only in pharmacies or specialized stores. It will cost it somewhat more expensive, but it will be a guarantee that cosmetics are really natural and effective.


From the mystical city of Peter, I will definitely bring myself a bottle with sand. But this is not just ordinary sand from the sandy city. The masters in your eyes "draw" paintings from it simply inside a glass vessel. Apply the most different colors of local sand.

Cut bottle

All Jordan souvenirs can be bought in Amman, there are a large number of markets and shopping centers. Gold in the country is not very expensive, but if you have chosen such a decoration, you will have to buy it for the original announced price - in Jordan, the bargain is not appropriate. But more popular than golden, Jordan are black silver decorations in Bedouinsky style: chains, bracelets, pendants and suspension.

Trim pendant

Cut from sandstone animal figures, a variety of olive wood figures, ceramic decorations - all this will be an excellent gift for friends and acquaintances.


From the dishes, it is possible to recommend products from painted hevronskoy glass (by the name of the city of the same name), copper products and ceramic vases and plates. In the city of Madaba make incredible beauty Mosaic ceramic panels that can be hung on the wall.

And it is necessary to buy a couple of rugs home, which in Jordan put on the back camels. And you can fit them well at home, if you finish them with some other souvenirs from this country.


All Jordan souvenirs are so bright, juicy and colorful that you will still remember the country of Bedouins, eternal sands and amazing natural wonders with nostalgia.

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