How to live in England

How to live in England

England is the second world power by influence after the United States. This island is a strong trading and financial and industrial center and is very different from the rest of the European continent. When gathering here to immigrate, come to learn, to work or just spend your savings and relax, it is necessary to navigate in culture, the manner of communication, laws, traditions, rules and vital text of this once colonial state.

Perhaps the most important difference between the British from Europeans is their restraint in any situation, "Olympic" calm and politeness. Not a native Englishman, going to be found in this state, must learn to control himself, his emotions and teach it their children.

Conservatism is the British, sometimes giving up the absurd, it can be traced in everything and everywhere. It is life and rituals, politics and simply the habits of the British, which are manifested non-standard, but at the same time they attract a large stream of tourists who want to touch it. These are the royal guardsmen in the Celts, the British tea "File about Clack", ascetic habits in food and even the oddity of the British life, where there is no common crane on hot and cold water. Not impregnated with old-fashioned style of clothing of real British, they prefer bright and causing decorations.

The features of life in England can be attributed to the way this people relate to training processes. Tradition to receive and give good education distinguishes the British from other nations. Children here learn from 4 years old, they have been accustomed to rigor, routine and rigidity from early age.

The British are very loved by holidays and ceremonies, and especially read all those associated with the royal family. The whole family is usually going to such celebrations, including even distant relatives.

Resting the British adore and know how. Often combine rest with work and actively participate in volunteer organizations, work in shelters, nurseries, hospitals. Often prefer to live abroad, since the British is cheaper than to pay accommodation in his hometown.

The British are a very sporty people. Cricket is an almost nationalized game, the British play in it almost every Sunday. Respect tennis, golf, billiards, darts, polo, hunting and fishing. A lot of money is spent by the British on contributions to various sports clubs or interests.

The British are very harmful and economical. But not in clothes and not in jewelry. In London stores, you can afford to get dressed as very rich and not expensive, modest.

When immigrating to England, it is worth considering and still such a moment as a left-sided movement. We'll have to carefully move the road, and drivers are retracted to move in unusual form.

In England there is no standard metric system, there is an old system of scales and measures, because of this, all sorts of misunderstandings often arise. We will have to understand in inches, yards, pints and pounds.

The combination of a large number of factors, and this is a cocktail of various nationalities (Celts, Pictites, Anglo-Saxes, etc.), coated with Roman conquests and relationships with a large continent, the geographical position and climate features - all this contributed to the formation of England with its British traditions, so not similar on whose others.

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Sergei 25/11/2016 at 8:34

Beautiful pictures for idiots distant from reality and for some reason, it is called this by life.


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