How to relax on goa yourself

How to relax on goa yourself

Rest abroad has long been manitated more tourists. The number of foreign holidays increases every year, and some want to save on the trip. Can I go abroad "Dickarem"? Consider this option on the example of a trip to Goa.

As for other foreign trips, a visa will be needed for Goa. In order to get it, you need to fill out the questionnaire, attach 2 color photos, copies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and passport, copies of the hotel and tickets. In case of travel yourself, when housing is supposed to search in place, you can find a hotel with free cancellation of armor and after receiving a visa to cancel the reservation.

You can choose from the airline's website. When choosing a ticket, you should compare the price of a ticket with a tour of the tour, which can be purchased in the travel agency. It happens that the price of the entire tour is equal to the price of a plane ticket alone. As a result, this should be paid to special attention.

Before traveling abroad, insurance is necessarily issued. It is advisable to make it in a large and reliable company. The cost of insurance for one day will be approximately 50 rubles. When choosing insurance carefully examine what is included in the concept of an insured event in different companies.

Upon arrival on Goa, start searching for housing. It's simple. First, as in Russia, any taxi driver will tell you where you can rent accommodation. Secondly, it is enough to search on the street a sign with the inscription "Room for Rent". In South Goa, removable accommodation is mainly bungalow, and in North - mini-hotels.

As for the monetary unit, it is rupees on Goa. Money convert better in banks. In the exchanger, which are located at the airport, on the streets, in shopping centers, the exchange rate is significantly understated. Therefore, upon arrival at Goa at the airport, exchange the minimum amount of money. When shopping in the market is sure to tramble. Sellers specifically refer to the price overestimated 5-7 times, and then eagerly traded.

Communicate in this place mainly in English, with a pronunciation of any European. Even if you do not know or do not know English, then the local residents you are interested in will try to explain by any ways. They are very sociable and friendly.

Road rules imply a left-sided movement of transport. In North Goa, there are a lot of motorcyclists from which few people know and follow the rules. Therefore, it is not recommended to take rental transport, it may be unsafe. It is better to move through with a taxi. By the way, with taxi drivers, like with sellers, should be bargained.

The menu in this place is rich in seafood. The dishes with rice are very popular - both boiled and fried with seafood and vegetables. But the meat is prepared only in tourist sites, as the cow is a sacred animal in India. And some of the dishes of Indian cuisine can be very sharp, which you need to keep in mind. Goa is the only place in India, where alcohol is allowed to consume. Local coctail based on Roma is especially popular.

Resting on Goa, try to visit as many beaches as possible to make a complete picture of the resort. In North Goa there are crowded beaches, and nightlife is famous for noisy parties. On South Goa are luxurious beaches and expensive hotels. And the atmosphere sets up on vacation from civilization.



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