If for some reason you decided to exchange native foams on life abroad, and I chose Goa as a destination point, thoroughly think about your decision. You will have to face difficulties that are quite difficult to overcome. There are many other countries to settle in which you can with much less costs. But if you are sure you want to live on Goa, you should familiarize yourself with the real possibilities of resettlement.
One of the easiest ways to stay on Goa is to get a guest or training visa. The guest visa gives the opportunity to stay in India 90 days, but for this there must be relatives or friends who already live here. With an educational visa, it is somewhat simpler - it makes it possible to stay in the country for the whole period of study and can be obtained by paying training. True, the classes really have to walk, so think about this option will suit you.
There is also an option to receive a working visa. Of course, the basis for obtaining it is a contract with an Indian entrepreneur. The contract must be spelled out the terms and conditions of work, salary, taxes, etc. Such a visa is issued on the time to six months, from 6 to 12 months and more than 1 year. You can also write an application for the provision of a visa for a spouse / spouse.
Another way to stay on Goa is to marry a citizen or citizen country. You can get acquainted with the representative of India via the Internet on the social network, on a dating site either at the specialized website of the International Marriage Agency. Naturally, this option is associated with risk and ambiguous, but has chances.
You can stay on Goa as a real estate owner, however, in order to purchase it, you will need to get a residence permit that is not easy. You can open a firm together with a citizen of India, to acquire commercial real estate and create the appearance of work, or, in fact, work, because otherwise the company will quickly close.
Way to stay in India for sure, and followed by citizenship, fit only a very secured and venturesome people who are no stranger to adventure. In order to obtain a residence permit in India, you need to invest in the amount of the country's economy, which is equivalent to one million euros. Seven years later, you can even get local citizenship on the condition that give up his.
If you have not accurately decide whether India will become your second home, try not to break the law and not remain here illegally. Renew regularly visa and no more than six months, try to get a residence permit, otherwise you will just be expelled out of the country. And after such a violation more in India have never allowed.