Where to go in February to relax

Where to go in February to relax

What could be better than vacation in the midst of the boning winter? Rest in boring February is a great opportunity to escape from harsh Russian frosts and give them a piece of summer or a soft European winter. The weather in foreign resorts in February is almost no different from January, but the cost of recreation is significantly cheaper than during the New Year holidays.

Fans of a peaceful measured rest in February are best sent to hospitable Jordan. Rest in this wonderful country is clean beaches on the shore of the warm sea, cozy hotels for resting resting and peacekeeping, excellent excursion tours at historical places of Holy Land, exciting diving and oriental colorful bezes without annoying sellers. Wishing to improve health expect modern spa centers on the coastal Dead Sea coast. Local cuisine has absorbed all the best Arabic culinary traditions - Be sure to try local delicacies and fragrant national dishes (Mansaf, Adans, Mlouchius). Jordan is an ideal place to relax with the kids.

Jordan photo

Thailand is the best place for winter exotic leave. This "country thousand smiles" is as if created exclusively for rest! Here you are awaiting sunny weather, picturesque nature, warm sea and wonderful sandy beaches, and more pleasant and friendly residents of the Asian kingdom. At night in Thailand, a lively stormy life reigns - music in local clubs and restaurants subsides closer to the dawn. In the afternoon, you can go on an inspection of ancient temples, to do diving or shopping - for the symbolic price here you can buy gorgeous silk, silver and porcelain. After a pedestrian excursion, certainly treat yourself to a real Thai foot massage - an incredible relax is provided to you!

Fans of a bright active recreation, for sure, will have to taste February Brazil. It was in February that the season of legendary colorful carnavals begins in Rio de Janeiro. Grand scenery, magnificent costumes, bright spotlights, incendiary music and of course samba - in two words describe the atmosphere of Brazilian carnival unreal! Cheerful Brazil will help forget about winter fussy weekdays! The scorching sun and luxury beaches are the main business cards of this wonderland. And also - coconut palms, Atlantic waves, real Brazilian coffee and national martial art-dance capoeira. Extreme lovers will delight night rafting and flight on a paraglider over the ocean, more relaxing fans - a sea walk on the ship along the sun-filled beaches. In general, you will not have to miss Brazil for sure.

At least fun in February you can relax on the island of freedom. Relatively and expensive, but it is worth it! Cuba is cozy sandy beaches, washed by crystal clear water of the Caribbean Sea, light breeze with jasmine aroma and mango, vintage cars, incendiary salsa and a lot of Roma. Tourists are exciting excursions with inspection of fortresses, palaces and local tobacco factories, surfing, diving, snorkeling, and more seabari sailboat or ground-based on a jeep all-terrain vehicle. By the way, it was in February that the traditional festival of cigars is held, which unites lovers of elite tobacco from around the world, and the famous Havansky carnival.

Ski and snowboard fans are a straight road to Romania. Winter modern resorts of this country are a wonderful budget alternative to elite ski Austria and France. Scenic mountain landscapes under sparkling snow cover, soft climate, fresh delicious air is such a winter tale in Romania. For holidaymakers, there are highlighted tracks, lifts and cableways, inventory rental points and ski schools. For admirers of history and culture, a trip to Romania is a unique opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful palaces in Europe - Pelsh Castle (Summer Manor of the first king Romania Carol І) and the mysterious castle of Bran (the abode of the legendary Count Dracula).

Now you know where you can go to rest in February, to make the most pleasant and efficiently spend the long-awaited vacation.


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