How to prepare for rest in Tibet

How to prepare for rest in Tibet

Enlightened Tibet is not only an age-old wisdom, but also a rather harsh climate. Therefore, in order to spill up the energy of this place, to traveling to Tibet, you need to prepare.

Cloth. Considering that the summer in Tibet is hot, you can't call (up to + 15 ° C), the winter is also pretty cold (up to -4c), and winds and rains have a year-round character, be sure to capture clothing with you warmer. Otherwise, you risks spoil the rest of the cold.

Food. Tibetan cuisine is very specific, your digestive tract can respond to it inadequate. Therefore, choose dishes in the menu, as close as possible (at least in composition) to the usual diet, avoid unfamiliar ingredients and heavy food. Also grab the appropriate medicines, if there is still an intestine to "configure" in unusual nutrition.

Physical exercise. If your plans include mysterious Tibet Mountains, where the oxygen level differences are characterized, and the air is cold and rarely, your physical health should be at least good. Since, because of this feature of the mountain Tibetan air, even a completely healthy and trained person can turn or get sick head, the heartbeat is becoming becoming a feeling of weakness. Therefore, to such a campaign for ancient wisdom to prepare and physically, to learn several special breathing exercises, stocking of equipment. It will not hurt to throw heartbreaks in the first aid kit and consult before traveling with a doctor.

Sunscreen. Another feature of the enlightened Tibet is light. Here he is very bright, blinding. Therefore, sunglasses and means, as well as moisturizing and nutritious creams - another mandatory point in your list of things for traveling by Tibet.

Use our recommendations and do not be lazy to prepare to rest theoretically - study content about Tibet and the peculiarities of rest on it, including those who have already been there. And then nothing will prevent you from drinking the atmosphere of this sacred place.

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