Rest in China

Rest in China

China is associated primarily with cheap labor, fakes of well-known clothing brands and rice noodles. All these facts will come to the mind of a man unrecorded and limited, which refers to the Chinese condescendingly and arrogantly. Modern China is a global economic leader that transfers only Japan, with a rich history, hardworking population and well-maintained resorts. If you have not knew anything to anything about China as a popular tourist destination, we recommend that you correct this misunderstanding.


Pretty large territory of East Asia (9.6 million square meters of km) is occupied by this country. Although when you find out what population in China, its area seems negligible. After all, indeed, how can one fit 1 billion 300 million people on this block of land? When you learn a little more about this culture, you will understand how it succeeds.

China's neighbors abound. When you count their number (total - 13, and it is only on land!), You understand why it was necessary to build a great Chinese wall. Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Burma, Laos, Vietnam - All these countries have an land border with the People's Republic of China. By sea, it borders with Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunhem. By the way, the sea in China is not one, their whole three: yellow, East-Chinese and South China.

China climate

This country has extended along three climatic belts, and therefore the temperature indicators in the country differ depending on the region.

A moderate continental climate in the north is not much different from the climate in the central regions of Russia: in the winter there is about -7⁰, and in the summer + 22 ° C. The center of the country with its subtropical climate has almost the same indicators: from 0 to -5 ° C in winter and + 20 ° C in summer. This is due to the high humidity of the winter winter here is softer and warm, and summer is cooler. But the south of the country can really treat the warmth of tourists and locals, where tropical monsoon masses prevail. In the summer, the temperature here reaches + 25⁰, and in winter - from + 6 ° C to + 15⁰С. But the island of Hainan is a separate place in the climatic map. This is the hottest and sunny place in all China, where you can rest all year round.

Visa to visit China

For Russians, entry into the PRC is impossible without a visa. Although there is one "but": Russian citizens are provided with the right of visa-free stay in a special administrative district of the PRC - Hong Kong for a period of no more than 14 days.

You can proceed with the following visas in China:

  • tourist (L);
  • business (F);
  • transit (G);
  • educational (x);
  • working (Z).

As you could have guess, its type depends on the purpose of staying in the PRC. Get every one of them can be in the Embassy of the PRC in the Russian Federation.

Resorts of China

China is a big anthill. But the anthill is different tool: there are large megalopolises, the life in which does not stop for a minute, but there are a delicious selushka in the mountains, which are nevertheless visited by tourists who want to comprehend the secret of Being and the Universe. Chinese is also a retail. At first glance, they are all the same, but it is worth finding out a little better, and you will understand what the inhabitants are distinguished by each individual administrative unit. Individuality is inherent in individual cities that are popular with the guests of the country. Where to go to China - you decide. After reading the information below, it will be easier to decide on this issue.

Hainan Island

Hainan Island is the territory of summer. There are more than 300 sunny days a year, and therefore the Russians (especially from the Far East) regularly arrive here to treat the soul and body. It distinguishes four bays: Sanya, Sanyan, Dadonghai, Yalunvan. Yalunvan is considered the most luxurious and elite. This is a quiet harbor with azure transparent water, snow-white sand and fashionable hotels. Unlike Dadonghai, who was chosen by surfers because of the constant winds, Yalunvan - a calm place. Sanya and Sanyan are located next to each other in close proximity to Sanya Airport. And let the water in the shore are not as crystal clear, but the landscapes around with more than compensate this minor deficiency. The Holliday IN Hotel is located, and the opening of the Govard Johnson Hotel, which has 5 stars, is already scheduled. The centers of traditional Chinese medicine "Tai Chi" and "Yu-Kang" will offer you to cure skin, pulmonary, urological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system without surgical intervention. In addition, you can get aesthetic pleasure from viewing local attractions:

  • butterfly gorge;
  • nature Reserve "Monkey Island";
  • volcano Ma-Anh;
  • zoo Safari "Dunshan";
  • cape "The Edge of the Sky and the Sea".


Many arrive in China only for the sake of Tibet. But here you can encounter additional difficulties: in Tibet Getting not so easy. To begin with, you will need to take permission to visit the Tibet Tourism Bureau. But it may not help you, as there are periods when Tibet is generally closed for tourists (for a month or two). It is also difficult to get to get it, they are mainly issued by group permissions (by 5 or more people). But all these peripetia is nothing if you have a cherished dream - see Tibet. After all, he is considered a shrine for Buddhists and Hindus. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come to help his energy, because here are the most famous monasteries and "power plants":

  • the White Potal Palace (in Lhasa);
  • park complex with summer palaces of Dalai Lam;
  • temple of Jokhang;
  • monastery sulfur and monastery Drepung;
  • lake Manasarovar, Nummock;
  • mount Calais.

Beijing is the capital of the state, it inhabits 21.5 million people. Is impressive? Still would! And this you have not seen his beauties. The main city of the PRC is an echo long history, which is smoothly invested in today's reality: Palace complexes, centuries-old Buddhist temples are harmoniously adjacent to the clouds cutting the vertices of glass and metal designs, called skyscrapers. Walking around Beijing is only with the business card of that hotel where you stopped and on which the address is specified in Chinese. Since the megapolis is just a huge, and get lost in it just like twice two four. In advance of the inspection plan of Beijing to have time to watch its main attractions:

  • palace complex Gugun ("Forbidden City");
  • huge square Tiananmen and the gate of the same name next to her;
  • gate Jianmen ("Front Gate");
  • Summer Palace;
  • temple of the sky "Tiantan" with the famous Huyinby;
  • lugouciao Bridge (Marko Polo);
  • park Zance Tang with tombs 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty;
  • mausoleum Mao Dzeduna;
  • The great Wall of China.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a separate administrative district in China, where, by the way, you do not need a visa for Russians. This chance can be used and fly to rest here, because here is one of the most popular resorts in Asia - Macau Island. The composition of this administrative unit includes the Kovlun peninsula, the island of Hong Kong, new territories and 262 of the islands that are adjacent to them. All fashionable people will be useful will learn that Hong Kong is the real capital of the shopping, especially the popularity of the "fur coat" shopping. Fur products available prices (lower than in the country as a whole), and in the latitude of the range you may not even doubt. You definitely do not have problems with accommodation, as high-class hotels like droplets in the sea - very and very much. There are "average" options in the form of guest houses. Every visitors will find a refuge in their capabilities.

Of all tourist stops in Hong Kong, it is especially necessary to allocate:

  • the world's largest sitting Buddha (reaches a height of 34 m);
  • Bay essay;
  • streets Hollywood Road and Appper-Lasskar Row;
  • harbor Aberdeen, which is a "city on the water", in which thousands of people spend their entire lives on the water in Junks;
  • peak Victoria - observation deck;
  • temple Von Thai Sing;
  • Alley of stars;
  • Disneyland;
  • Multimedia show "Symphony of Lights", which fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as incessant.

In Hong Kong, you can take off and stew without stopping, as the clubs grow every day new, like mushrooms after the rain. Nightlife Burlit is always, regardless of the day of the week. The most proven and authoritative places for night rest are clubs of Lai-Kwan-Fong, bars and pubs of Varha, Ntsford terraces.

Useful advice

It is useful to know the tourist in China:

  • Here very few speak English, so if you still need to enter into communication, for example, with sellers of tickets for transport, write in advance your request in Chinese. Let the translator help you in this.
  • You can bargain in China and you need! But ignorance of English by local residents will force you to explain on the fingers. So about the fingers ... the designation of numbers on the fingers is with the help of one hand. Look at the photo diagram on the Internet.
  • Covers with a par value of 100 yuan can be fake. Once in the south of the country there was a fraudulent scam with these money, so they still wander on the PRC (though, in a small already quantity). It is better to ask you to give to other bills.
  • Wash things in the hotel stands crazy money: or take with you a decent stock of things, or look for laundry / dry cleaning on the streets of the city.
  • Active users of social networks will have to take a break: Facebook, YUTOOBE and some other services do not work in China.
  • Necessarily bring with you from China Tea and rice, because no country in the world can make it competing in their cultivation and processing, which are carried out on carefully protected secret traditions.

China is multifaceted and complicated to understand the "unprepared" minds. But at the same time, you can also hold a light unobtrusive vacation on the hot islands. In any case, to see as much as possible, and still have time to get a portion of heat and sunburn, you need to come here at least 2 weeks. Ideally, it is better to apply several visits "Podnebyss".

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