Rest in Spain

Rest in Spain

Cold and restrained Europe rarely falls in the soul of Russian nature. We give something like a lot on a wide leg, passionate yes roast. Plus, everyone wants to have a resting place to relate to the sea and the beach, and otherwise it is not a vacation, but a banal excursion. If you agree with all this, it means that your perfect vacation should pass only in Spain, and anywhere else!


Spain is located on the "backyards" of Europe, if so can be expressed - on the south-west. This is the warmest and favorable climatic conditions in our part of the world. It occupies almost the entire Pyrenean Peninsula, leaving his small area for neighboring Portugal. Spain is also bordered by France, Andorra and Gibraltar, which makes it possible for the day-another to give a visit to the Spanish "Neighbors".

The Zhugogo Flamenco Country is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Biscay Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, and besides the mainland sushi to its territory include the Balearic and Canary Islands. The relief of Spain is mainly mountain: represented by plateales and mountain arrays.

Climate Spain

In Spain 280 days of summer a year! This figure speaks for himself: it is possible to rest here since the end of spring (meaning to swim) and until the end of autumn. Although winter here you can spend your vacation, for example, in ski resorts. In total, three climatic zones are distinguished here: moderate marine (in the north - from Galicia to Catalonia), Mediterranean (in the south) and arid continental (within the country).

The seaside part of Spain boasts high temperatures in summer from + 25⁰s to + 32⁰s, but at the lack of unbearable heat and high humidity, as in Asia or Africa. All these factors make rest in Spain comfortable and without risk to health. The precipitation falls in this part a little and mostly in winter. In the north, summer is moderately warm, there are no thermometer columns here so high as in the south, and in winter there are much more precipitation. In the central part of the country where the continental climate is dominated, winter is dry and cold, summer is roast and without precipitation. Possible sharp fluctuations in daily temperature.

Documents for visiting Spain

In addition to a banal set for any trip - passport, insurance, aircraft tickets and permission to export a child from one of the parents (if you fly with a child alone), you will need Schengen visa. It gives the right to entry not only in Spain, but also to other countries that are members of the EU. Mot on the mustache! Europe is small, so from Spain can easily be reached at a speed train to neighboring states.

The most popular resorts of Spain

Choice resorts In Spain, extensive - what is there only no: noisy resorts and secluded towns, fashionable ports, glorifying the magnitude of new yachts, and economy options for family holidays, island and continental resorts.

Costa Brava

The northernmost coast in Spain, bordering France. Translated means "rocky shore" and fully justifies its name. Rocky cliffs are located right next to the beaches, some of which are given deep into the sea. They are "populated" with green pines, which, besides a magnificent view, give local bays with purity air. Very many attracts here what hotels operate on the system "All Inclusive" as in Turkey or Egypt (such proposals in Europe are very small). At the same time, the cost of living is also low. Resort cities, which are located in the features of the Costa Brava, are somewhat different in the nature of the proposed rest.

The number one in the Costa Brava is considered to be the resort of Lloret de Mar. In his presence, he combines, it would seem that inoperable: here you will feel comfortable and young people who love to hang out day and night, and the measured personnel, the rest of which should flow smoothly and calmly. And the thing is that the city is natural in the rocky rock) is divided into two parts, each of which is suitable one, and another category of tourists. Just 60 km from Barcelona is located Blanes (Costa Brava). But attracting tourists, he is not only close to the capital of Catalonia, but also by his story. This is the most ancient city within the Costa Brava. Here you can see medieval castles and towers, the ruins of ancient estates.

Costa Dorada

Located at the very south of Catalonia, and therefore there is a fairly long tourist season. Catalan Mountains protect the resort from the inner winds from the mainland, and in the summer the temperature reaches + 34 ° C. Here are very comfortable gender slopes on the beaches, clean and fine sand. It is in this region that the famous Water Park "Port Aventura" is an analogue of Disneyland. Such characteristics made it a favorite place of recreation families with children.

Salou is the largest city on the coast, so tourist life here is especially violently. Bars, restaurants, lively promenade, 7 kilometers of sandy beaches, water entertainment - all that is waiting for you in Salou. La Pineda is a village, with extraordinary landscapes: Blue lagoons and rocky bays. More suitable for those who want to burn out the surrounding world. Tarragona is saturated with the heritage of the Roman Empire. If you want to make a photo on the background of the collenge of amphitheater 2 tbsp. n. e., go exactly here.

Costa Blanca

Three hundred and five days of summer a year - nothing more and say nothing ... It is the Costa Blanca (translated - "White Coast") boasts such an advantage compared to other beaches. The beaches of the Costa Blanca are considered the most equipped and clean in all of Spain. Mountains protect this terrain from unwanted northern winds.

Pearl of Costa Blanca - Alicante, the capital of Alicante province. Very cozy, attractive city with plenty of attractions. There are a variety of festivals, where you can have fun from the soul. But Torrevielee was chosen for himself Russian. Recently, it began to be stamped here the property Note from the CIS countries, because do not be surprised that you will often meet Russian on the embankment, beaches and in a cafe. Benidorm is considered Spanish Las Vegas, so the dumplings of fate and weassing should be stopped here.


Ibiza Island - Paradise for youth. If you are young, energetic, love dancing to fall and pati in mini-bikini, it means that Ibiza will suit you. Yes, and prices are lower here than on the same Mallorca. On Mallorca, the whole European Bohemian comes to the season, so finding a place where your yacht can be moored will be extremely problematic.

Most often from Spain Islands, tour operators advise to visit the island of Tenerife - "City of Eternal Spring", drowning in colors and laurel bushes. The wint of the island is the beach with black sands near Santa Cruz, which has therapeutic properties.

Excursion program

Just impossible to visit Spain, not to visit Barcelona. This city is the creation of the hands of Gaudi, the famous Spanish architect, whose works are considered to be a little in themselves, but they do not cease to be less beautiful. You will immediately understand which houses were built by Gaudi, because his style cannot be confused with any other. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou should visit the Opera Houses and theaters, take a walk on numerous squares and squares, take pictures with fountains (Barcelona is a city of fountains).

Excursion to Figueres will allow you to touch the work of Salvador Dali, because his museum is located here. After inspecting the collection of artist's works, you can walk around the city and shop. For your information, Figueres is considered one of the long-star trading centers in Spain, and therefore on open-air trading ranks in the city center you can find everything: products, textiles, clothing, objects for the economy, souvenirs.

Not only interesting, but also useful will be the excursion "The village of La Rock is a medieval castle". What would you think, is the village of La Roca? No, this is not a few huts with a rich history in the past, but a whole complex of boutiques (more than 100 them), where the branded clothing for large discounts are sold all year round. After shopping, tourists usually be carried into a medieval castle (it's on the way), where it seems to see the theatrical spectacle in the medieval style.

It is impossible not to say a few words in conclusion about Madrid - the Spanish capital. Like other capital of the world, it is built offices worldwide corporations and government departments. But in the eyes of tourists makes it particularly valuable that he, in spite of the ongoing construction in the Art Nouveau style, still managed to preserve its historical appearance. Individual attention, Madrid Royal Palace, Royal Theater, Park Retiro, National Library building, Golden Triangle of Art, the Museo del Prado. And football fans will be interested to visit the stadium "Santiago Bernabeu", which holds its home games royal club "Real Madrid".

Everyone should discover "their" Spain: for someone it - in good food, for someone - in an endless fun and the ability to enjoy life, someone crazy about Dali and Gaudi, and someone just satisfied clean beaches and emerald waters of the Mediterranean. Spend in this wonderfully warm your country relaxationTo decide for themselves - what did you love Spain.

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