Rest in Bulgaria

Rest in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is considered to be close abroad, and in the Soviet era, it was not turned into a Soviet era, the language did not turn. But today, nevertheless it is: Bulgaria is included in the EU, and it's not so easy to get to rest here. But despite changes in the international arena, the relationship between the Bulgarian and Russian people remained still warm and fraternity. This explains a fairly large percentage of holidaymakers Russians at Bulgaria resorts. If you have planned a trip in the near future, you will be useful to learn more about this country.


The Balkan Peninsula is where Bulgaria is located. Immediate proximity to S. Turkey I put my imprint - about 13% of Bulgarians profess Islam. Greece And Macedonia is located next to Bulgaria in the southwest. Weest from her is Serbia, and in the northern of its part it borders with Romania. All times are here: (GMT + 3), that is, the same as in Moscow. Rebuild for a new time will not need that undoubtedly a huge plus for your holiday.

The country has access to the Black Sea. The most famous resorts whose names were particularly often on the lips in conversations 50 years ago, are on its coast: Varna, Burgas, Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Balchik, Riviera, etc. The most important river - Danube (it is the largest in Europe). It raises the courts every day, in which, by the way, you can make a cruise excursion.

Most of the country occupy mountain ranges. Stara Planina is a mountain system that divides in essence Bulgaria into two parts: Northern - Danube Plain, South - Upperfraki lowland. Popular resorts are concentrated on the mountainous terrain, which in winter they collect lovers of skiing in their territory: Bansko, Pamporovo, Borovets.


Favorable to resort holidays. For most of the territory, temperate continental, in the south is Mediterranean. The division into two climatic zones conditionally passes through the mountains of the Old Planna. In the south, hotter in the summer than in other regions, but the sea breeze eliminates the burning heat. Therefore, weather conditions are quite comfortable, the thermometer column rarely exceeds + 30 ° C. The average temperatures in the summer in Bulgaria 23⁰С - 27⁰С, and in winter 0⁰С, sometimes dropped to -3⁰. Water has the optimal temperature in the summer + 20 ° C - 25⁰С.

Snow cover at the ski resorts is kept in different areas in different ways: at a medium height, the snow may lie in January a few weeks, and then blame for nothing, in the highest points of Bulgaria he can stay longer.

Documents for entry

Bulgaria is a member of the EU member, and therefore the Schengen visa acts on its territory. That is, if you have already decorated Multi Schengen or two-time Schengen, you can visit this state without any additional design of new documents. The only thing is that there is a passport. It will also need to capture with him. An alternative to Schengen can be a national visa for visiting Bulgaria. But still it is more profitable to make yourself a universal Schengen, especially if you are not going to stop only on this journey and want to continue the tour in the old woman Europe.

You must remember that in cases where you are going to rest with a minor child, then for the intersection of state borders you will need a written permission of the second parent for the departure of your total Chad.

customs control

There are such special bizarre customs rules in some countries that cannot but cause laughter. Bulgaria should not boast. In its list of prohibited / permitted items for transport, everything is explained by the laws of logic.

It is forbidden to export:

  • national currency - Leva;
  • objects representing historical, cultural, archaeological value.

Allowed to import:

  • from tobacco products: 200 cigarettes (or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco);
  • alcohol: 0.5 drinks "stronger" or 2 liters of wine;
  • perfumery: 50 ml of perfume or 250 ml of cologne.

Do not bring perishable foods and fruits, but with such a load of you and the plane will not be allowed on board. So most likely these treats you to customs control will take no - they will be taken away from you when boarding a plane. Be sure to declare valuables (gold, machinery, jewelry, money) you carry, otherwise there will be trouble.

Most popular resorts

Golden Sands - a real jewel of the Mediterranean. The resort gained fame back in the old days, but today - he is one of the most equipped and modern places for a beach holiday for the whole of Bulgaria. The mild climate, sulfur springs and protected park - there are all conditions for those who need to fix failing health.

Sunny Beach. Within it there are many sanatoriums and summer camps, as well as - luxury hotels and pristine beaches. The city is located far from the dusty highways and noisy railway. Local food deserves special attention: the best Bulgarian cuisine can be enjoyed here in the many cafes at a low price.

Connoisseurs of antiquity and history will appreciate Sozopol, because apart from a beach holiday it is ready to offer its guests a rich program of excursions: the ancient ruins of ancient temples and architecture.

Albena recognized as the most environmentally friendly resorts in Bulgaria, for which he was awarded the prize "Blue Flag". The proximity to Varna (30km) plays the hand rest in Albena can be combined with a trip to this city. It is here that the widest sandy beach - 200-300 m, such you will not find anywhere else in Bulgaria. Beach smoothly goes into the sea, and the sea depth is shallow, so Albena - a perfect place for a family holiday.

excursion programs

Point for compulsory attendance number 1 - Sofia - the capital of the state. It strikingly combines modern and archaic architecture of the building. Not having been in Sofia, you will never understand the essence of Bulgaria itself. All of its originality and uniqueness is manifested in it.

Tourist spot, a must to visit in Sofia:

  • alexander Nevsky Cathedral;
  • church: Boyana, St. George, St. Sofia;..
  • national Assembly Square;
  • building of the National Assembly;
  • monument to Alexander II.

Plovdiv - the second largest in Bulgaria after Sofia city - no less rich in attractions.

There definitely pay a visit to:

  • roman Forum Trimontium;
  • theater for 3000 seats;
  • gates Hissar Kapija;
  • mosque: Jumana and Imaret;
  • the ruins of a Thracian city Evmolpias;
  • amphitheater Philip II Macedon;
  • churches: St. Weeks, St. Dimitra and St. Marina.

The Veliko-Tarnovo Receiver will want to visit not only the lovers of the beautiful to appreciate the architecture of the Tsarist Palace, but also the extremes, ready to fall into the caves and go climbing. Bulgarian monastery (119 km from Sofia), Church of the Nativity of Christ, and Archangel (s. Arbanasi), Bachkovo Monastery, Rognasy Monastery in the town of Melnik, are considered places of pilgrimage in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is a country that combines Russian, European and Ottoman. What happened from this symbiosis of cultures - to evaluate you! Be open for new impressions, and then Bulgaria will reveal before you, as on the palm.

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