Where to go to the mountains

Where to go to the mountains

Sports in the mountains is a magnificent holiday that combines the charm of snow-covered mountain peaks, conquering snow elements, dazzling landscapes and novelty of sensations. In the mountains you can try out your capabilities and strength in a variety of sports, relax, improve health, spend time in various SPA salons and forget all worldly worries, distracting at night clubs, casino, restaurants, mineral springs, baths .

Austrian ski resorts are leading among others according to the service level, the beauty of nature (imagination is striking the smooth of frozen lakes, waterfalls in ice rocks and sparkling snow), the quality and length of the tracks for skiers and snowboarders. The most popular is Sant-Ancton. Austria from all abundance of its ski resorts offers and where to enjoy the active view of winter recreation is possible year-round.

Andorra swallows his winter hugs in front of the lovers of the mountains from December and until the middle of spring. The resorts of Andorra are distinguished by the fact that only here you can enjoy the sparkling snow in the mountains, and descending into the city - blooming flowers. Such a winter holiday is remembered to everyone. All local resorts meet the high modern requirements for standards, high levels of service, comfort and atmosphere of some special hospitality.

Switzerland has established itself as a center of world tourism in Europe, it is thanks to the mountains. The tracks, the service on them and in local hotels here are so highly qualified that relaxing in Switzerland is solid pleasure. The cleanliness of the environment is carefully guarded, and the surrounding landscapes are so captured by the spirit that against the background of their steep drives are sometimes just lost. The Swiss resort of Zermatt, located in the heart of the Alpine Mountains, is unusually popular. The tracks are designed for skiers from the level of professional to less experienced. The rest of the recreation and entertainment zones will allow all tourists to have a great time.

France offers more than a hundred modern furnished ski resorts. Weather conditions here are always stable, so rest in the mountains will always be perfect. In addition to skiing, with simultaneous enjoyment of alpine landscapes, it can be relaxed from the proposed entertainment program. The resort of La Plan occupies the largest area of \u200b\u200ball the famous ski resorts in Europe. Here lovers of active recreation will find a lot of opportunities for recreation for every taste.

Ski resorts-France-on-map

In Russia, you can go ride on the sharp peaks of the Caucasus (Red Polyana, Elbrus, Dombay), Kamchatka, Urals, Altai. Russian holiday offers in the mountains are very diverse, attract their fantastic nature and more affordable prices for the same service as in Europe.

Serbia kindly offers a magnificent holiday in the resort of Kopaonik. Resting here is good as summer and winter.

Poland offers high-quality and relatively inexpensive rest for all lovers of skiing. Zakopane is famous for excellent modernly equipped tracks on which you can ride not only during the daytime. As always, in addition to riding, resting will be offered a varied recreation program with excursions, picnics, discos and acquaintance of local folklore.

Active leisure is the shortest and simple way to strong health, and if it is a vacation in the mountains, then also the mass of positive emotions, lunating from the contemplation of winter landscapes and enjoyment from drunk and frosty clean air.

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