What sights to visit Bergen

What sights to visit Bergen

Norwegian Bergen is located on the coast of the North Sea. It is called the gates to the kingdom of fjords who have become the country's business card, because it is from here that tours along the fjords of Norway, literally cutting the whole western part of the country.

Touch a real fairy tale by visiting the Bruges Quarter. As if scenery for the film, multicolored houses lined up in a row on the Gaysenskaya embankment. It is from this area in the XVII century and the city of Bergen developed. Now in these houses, souvenir shops and craft workshops are located, in which the masters are made right with you, unique crafts.

Be sure to visit the fish market near the embankment. This colorful attraction of the city is visited daily by crowds of tourists. This come here if not to buy, so at least to look at the freshest seafood, brought from the ocean, literally a couple of hours ago. Here you can also taste the seed delicacies. Specific fish smell is distributed throughout the district.

Bergen Aquarium represents one of the most huge collections of marine inhabitants in Europe. Raisin Aquarium - the family of royal penguins.

Special attention deserves the Museum of Arts Bergen. This treasury of artwork keeps the work of the most famous masters of the world for the period from the XII to the XX century. In the halls of the museum, the works of Picasso, J. Miro, M. Entrene. A collection of Russian and Greek icons is occupied. The museum contains both the canvas of modern artists and unknown masters.

Hall Castle Hall is a former residence of King King Khokonsson. In the Middle Ages, the main events of the country were held in the castle halls, and now official ceremonies with the presence of the king are periodically held here. Another attraction next door is the Rosencranian Tower, one of the most important monuments of the country. Tourists can climb the roof of the tower and enjoy the views of the city blocks and the surroundings.

On the famous Floybang Floybang Floyur, raise the fluilant hill to the height of 320 meters to see the whole city, mountains and fjords from a bird's eye view. The bottom station of the funicular is at the fish market, and along the path of the funicular makes several stops, where you can always go and walk along the green slope of the hill.

Go to the church of the Holy Virgin Mary, built in the XII century in the style of the Norwegian Baroque. Here and to this day there are concerts of organ music.

Trolhaughen is a suburban estate of the Norwegian composer Edward Griega - is a whole complex of buildings. The house-museum stores the interiors and personal belongings of the composer. Concerts are regularly held in the concert hall. There is also a composer's creative house, a place where masterpieces were created. On the territory of the estate, a chic garden is broken.

Going to Bergen, keep in mind that it rains here are almost always, so basking rainders and umbrellas. But the water here is clean, they drink it straight from under the tap.

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