Where to go to Finland

Where to go to Finland

If you fed up rest in hot, sunny countries, no sandy beaches on marine shores do not care, and a chic shopping does not give pleasure, it is worth thinking about a trip to Finland. This is a charming country admiring its cathedrals and squares, festivals and concerts, restaurants and museums, hiking and water routes, cozy urban streets and legendary historical places. In order not to lose the precious time at arrival in Finland, it is worth thinking about what is better to see.

If you strive not only relax and have fun, but also to learn something new, we recommend visiting several famous museums. Among the three hundred museums of the country, the main museum can be called the following: Museum of Sports in Suomy, National Museum, Art Museum of Ateneuum in Helsinki, Archaeological Museum of Satankunn, Museum of Contemporary Art in Teveper, etc. Excursions to such places will bring not only new impressions, but will leave an indelible positive trace.

Turku's castle - once a residential, massive granite building, is now turned into an interesting museum dedicated to the history of the city. But not by one castle Slanged the port city of Turku. The national sanctuary of the country in the form of a Cathedral annually attracts an increasing number of tourists.

Next is worth visiting Helsinki - the delightful capital of no less delightful Finland. Among the architectural monuments, Lutheran and Assumption Cathedral, the Senate Building, a monument to Alexander II, claim to be the attention of tourists. All these places have a deep, ancient and no less interesting story.

Of course, the Church of Tempelinaucio is definitely the most legendary landmark of Helsinki. It is skillfully cut into a rock and annually serves as a refuge for many organ concerts.

Most of the Finnish territory is assigned to the park area. Helsinki Central Park passes through the whole city. The Linnanmäki entertainment park is suitable for a family holiday, and the zoo on the island of Corkaceasaari can rightly be called one of the oldest and most huge in the world.

Rovaniemi is the birthplace of Santa Claus and the capital of magnificent Lapland. This is a legendary fabulous place that cannot be missed, being in Finland. Christmas "Santa Park" can be the biggest miracle in the life of every child. Santa Claus Mail, Lapland Museum, Riding in Olenich or Dog Helds will give a lot of pleasure and unusual emotions.

Return to more earthly things. Tango lovers will be able to visit the festival in Swanjoki. Opera fans will appreciate the Festival of Opera Music in the old castle of the city of Savonlinna. A chamber music festival will gladly meet guests in the northern provincial town of Kuhmo.

In short interruptions between bright, impressive excursions, do not forget to visit one of the many restaurants in Finland. The national kitchen is simultaneously simple and exquisited. Finnish cooks work on glory, in order to please each guest with magnificent culinary masterpieces.

To describe all the places to visit in Finland, you need to create a thick three-volume member. So unusual and delightful this country. One thing is known for sure: there is everything that can give an unforgettable pleasure and fall in love with Finland forever.

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