Where can I go for one day

Where can I go for one day

If vacation is not soon, but I want to organize a holiday - one-day trips will distract you from current affairs and become a source of energy for the nearest period. Such travels are organized taking into account the wishes of the customer - you can go on our own transport or with a sightseeing group, with a guide or without that. On modern vehicles, you can travel for considerable distances in a short time, which allows you to carry out all your ideas.

Visit visit to Santa Claus during the Christmas holidays. Winter residence is located in Finland, in Rovaniemi. Inspection of the cave, where Borodach lives, riding a sleigh, harboring by dogs, visiting the Arcticum Museum for a long time to tourists. The traditional fairs in Germany and Austria open up for Christmas. Such events are imbued with Christmas romantics. Many products for festive topics are sold, a glass of mulled wine is offered as a gift.

Rovaniemi 1_Cr.

In Abisc (Sweden) come in winter to see the Northern Lights - in December, the sun does not appear weeks. You can ride deer, take a pass in the national park, located in the city. An ice lock towers nearby. In the capital of Hungary, a huge rink opens in a picturesque park Varoshleget. After skating, you can relax in thermal baths that are located nearby.


Go to Copenhagen - it means to get on one day in a fairy tale. First, be sure to visit the Mermaid, the House of Hans Christian Andersen. The city built the amusement park of Tevoli, decorated in the style of the last century. In addition to all sorts of entertainment, in the park there are places with wines of local production. You can dine in the restaurant "Noma", which is considered the best in the world in service and a variety of the menu.


In one day you can slowly explore the lair of Dracula in Transylvania. It was built about 600 years ago and served as a protective fortress. The fortress has unusual geometric shapes. Now this is a Fort Museum with labyrinth corridors. According to the legend, the voivode of Dracula lived here, which incredible legends go.


There are many interesting places in the Kherson region. Muflons, noble deers, kulans, a variety of feathered live live in the Azov Sivash National Reserve. On the territory of the "Askagany Nova" reserve, you can not only see animals that are walking on the will, but also admire the botanical garden, artificial lakes, dendrological parks. Very beautiful Dnipro smooths.

Family lovers will love the Narcissian Valley in the foothills of Karpat, next to the village of Kerishimo. It is recommended to come here in May when the flowers are blooming on the territory of 259 hectares. The spectacle is worth the funds spent. Near the village of Rogirchev in the Lviv region, antiquity lovers can admire the ancient monastic complex, mysterious and poorly studied. The church complex is cut in rocks. In the lower caves there were novices, in the upper - the church was located.

In Kiev, the whole day will leave only for the inspection of the Botanical Garden. Thousands of plant species are planted on an area of \u200b\u200b130 hectares. Employees are invited to visit the garden in May and see the alley of blooming lilac - this is a beautiful sight with the indescribable smell of lilac.

In the territory of Ukraine, many fortresses and castles have been preserved in good condition. Akkerman (Belgorod-Dnestrovskaya) fortress in the Odessa region looks good. It is located on nine hectares on the shore of the Dniester Limana. There are many interesting things in the Kamenets fortress, located in the old part of Kamenetsk-Podolsk. The fortress bridge, minarets, churches, many vintage structures attract tourists of all ages.


Everyone will enjoy the dendropark "Sofiyevka", located in the Cherkasy region. He was planted 200 years ago the Polish nobleman and called the name of his wife - Sofia. For two centuries, thousands of plant species are growing here - local and exotic. Numerous alleys are laid in the park, there are artificial lakes.

Day trips imply departure in the early morning and returning in the evening or at night. Therefore, short travel is convenient to make people living near sightseeing or temporarily living in the same area.

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