Where to go to a wedding trip

Where to go to a wedding trip

After wedding noisy celebrations, the newlyweds are to be launched, household difficulties and other realities of living together. Therefore, a wedding journey is perhaps the most romantic time, the opportunity to be alone with each other. What to choose a route depends on the tastes and preferences of a young family, and, unambiguously, it should be planned in advance.

I want to be alone far away from noise and fuss, feel yourself with the first married couple on earth? Mahe Island in the Indian Ocean can become exactly the paradise. The capital of the Seychelles is the city of Victoria - is surrounded by core groves and tropical greens. Fashionable hotels and restaurants, traditional Creole cuisine, classic colonial style and near golden beaches and a warm ocean - all this is at the disposal of lovers. And you can choose a stunning nature to Fiji, Tahiti, the Bahamas or other places of Oceania.

Palm Beach is a superscript resort town where all the conditions for noisy active recreation have been created. Night bars and discos, many types of water sports, beach holidays and shopping - that's what a young couple is waiting.

The charm of the eastern flavor in combination with the rapid motion of the metropolis is Hong Kong. These are stunning skyscrapers, stars, Disneyland, and Oceanarium, Clock Tower, Exhibition Halls, Chinese Village. Buy souvenirs for friends and at the same time to see the show can be at the night market stage Street Market or bargain on the women's market for Tung Choi. In the afternoon, it is necessary to look at the city from a bird's eye view from the Sky 100 observation tower, and in the evening to see the stunning lights of the highest houses of Hong Kong.

For connoisseurs of exquisite architecture, theaters, cozy cafes, the best choice will be the city of Old Europe. Paris streets with floral pots, small restaurants with sophisticated baking, kisses on the Eiffel Tower, walks along the Elysees fields - the air itself is saturated with romance of Paris. Be sure to visit Versailles and Louvre, wander through the Montmartra and the shores of the Seine.

Paris's decent competition is the Austrian cities of Vienna and Salzburg. From the cabin of a giant wheel of the ferris, you can see the Vienna Opera and the Towers of the Cathedral of St. Stephen. And the castles and palaces of Salzburg fit perfectly into the surrounding nature of Austria. In the most beautiful marble hall of the Palace Mirabel, you can even hold a wedding ceremony.

Journey in Italy is the "Eternal City" Rome with its majestic architecture, the romantic Verona and the world's only city in the world - Venice. Italian cuisine, temperamental locals, Serenada Gondoller - all this will remain in memory after the wedding trip.

If newlyweds do not imagine their lives without extreme, you can choose an African safari, a balloon trip or on a yacht, adventure in Thai jungle or diving in the Red Sea.

It happens that the budget does not allow you to go on an expensive journey, but this does not mean that it must be canceled. Beautiful places are definitely not only abroad, it is believed that the best holiday is a holiday held in your native climate. After all, the most important thing in the wedding travel is a loved one, ready to divide all emotions and impressions.

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