Where to go to Barnaul

Where to go to Barnaul

Barnaul is a city with almost a three-year history. During this time, he became a large industrial, cultural, educational and medical center of Siberia. This city has something to show and what to surprise tourists.

You can start a trip from the central part of the city - the Square Square. The hotel "Central", Altai State University built here. On the square there is a zero kilometer, from which all Altai roads are counting. Next, you can walk along Lenin Street, on which there are small chapels, figurine trimmed shrubs, parks and squares. A trip along this street will lead straight to the embankment of the street of the river Ob, where you can also please the eye with picturesque places.

If you want to know about the history of the city, in no case should you miss the local history museum. It was founded in 1823 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the ore case in the Altai Territory. The museum itself is a historical monument, as it was opened in the building of a mountain chemical laboratory. It contains about 150 thousand all kinds of exhibits, including the world's only model of the steam machine invented by sliders. An archaeological finds will seem equally interesting, which will open the curtain of the life of primitive people. Also in the museum there is a numismatic, mineralogical, collection of weapons, including military relics.

The architectural monument of the middle of the twentieth century is considered a notorious house under the spire. The first floor of this house is occupied by shops and cafes, the second - residential premises. The house is decorated with a clock tower on which there is a pointed spire, 15 meters high with a vane. Together with the spire, the house height reaches 46 meters.

It will not leave indifferent people who are interested in the automotive themes, the Museum of the Avents of the Yuri Kidkin. The museum does not cost some cars, there you can also see the door of the car affected by the bullets during the detention of the famous thief. Among the exhibits can be found funds for car hijacking: hammers, cabins, lays and others. As well as funds by which car owners can protect their vehicles from the hijacking. In the archive of the museum you can find many photos and video materials from various accidents, where rescuers had to pull out people from under the pile of metal.

If they touch the cultural life of the city, it is widely represented by several theaters. The Altai State Theater of the Music Comedy will delight the viewer with a variety of musicals, operettas, modern opera and performances for children. Altai Regional Theater of the Drama named after V.M. Shukshina is one of the largest theatrical teams of Western Siberia. It is very in demand among citizens, and the premieres of performances are collected by the Achlags. The Altai State Puppet Theater "Tale" works for children. The repertoire has productions for children - preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, adolescents and occasionally for adults.

Journey through Barnaul will be remembered by its improvement. Well-groomed streets, a large number of greenery and colors, beautiful modern buildings and historical architecture will leave an indelible impression of themselves.

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