Where to go in Bryansk

Where to go in Bryansk

Bryansk is one of the oldest Russian cities. During the Patriotic War, his forests became the concentration of partisans, who showed powerful resistance to enemies. This event left a bright imprint in the history of the city, its design. Bryansk has a kind of landscape - the city is divided into areas with forests, the Desna River, and the hills, the overgrown ravines make the overall picture even more picturesque.

The Bryansk Museum of Local Lore, based on the values \u200b\u200bof nationalized monasteries, was completely looted in 1943. After the war, the expositions gather again, and in 1982 a new building was being built for them. Museum exhibits are divided into several sections: nature, history, modern history.

The Museum of Bryansk literature contains stories, biographies, personal belongings of writers, poets who lived in this city. The Hall of the Memorial Museum of Proskurin is dedicated to creativity, the life of this writer. And in the room of “Old Russian literature” manuscripts, paintings, engravings, memoirs related to the period until the 18th century are exhibited.

The mound of immortality is the appearance of the entire Bryansk region. A huge five -pointed star is in the Nightingale Park and keeps the memory of the fallen in battle, protects mass graves.

Regional Drama Theater named after Tolstoy A.K. He was opened in 1926. During the war, the Nazis, retreating, blew up part of the building. The theater entered a new life in 1949 and showed its first work after the war. The composition of the modern theater was already formed from the actors of the Moscow Regional Drama Theater.

Bryansk is probably the only city where such a variety of monuments are collected. For example, a monument to drivers, Tyutchev, a monument to a steam locomotive, a monument to the victims of Chernobyl. The latter is a globe, which will split a monstrous disaster. The exhibit is especially spectacular at night, illuminated by an orange glow.

In the Bryansk region near the village of Suponevo is the Holy Assumption Svensky Monastery. He was founded by Prince Roman Mikhailovich, who was helped by the icon of the Mother of God of Pecherskaya. In the 16-18th century, he was exposed several times, defeat. In Soviet times, he was closed, and the icons were lost. Since 1992 it has been a male monastery.

Park Museum named after A.K. Tolstoy is suitable for hiking. It contains a unique, interesting collection of wood sculptures. In the park there is a church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in honor of Peter I.

For tourists, a visit to the Sovetsky district of the city - a kind of historical center will be especially interesting. In this territory, more monuments, old buildings, restaurants, cafes and large parks are concentrated. The rest of the areas were built in Soviet times, so there are no historical attractions in them, but there are entertainment, shopping centers.


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Irina 06/29/2016 at 16:57

There is a very interesting place in Bryansk - the Museum of the interesting science of Galileo. In the museum you can not only watch and listen, but also experiment yourself - all the exhibits of the museum are interactive. Also in the museum you can visit a large mirror maze, an inverted room and launch huge soap bubbles. Positive emotions are guaranteed to both children and adults!

Irina 06/29/2016 at 17:01

The Museum of interesting science “Galileo” is located at the address: Bryansk, st. Krasnlarmeyskaya, d.71, phone: 30-33-27, Museum website: Galileo32.rf


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