Where to go to Tver

Where to go to Tver

Tver is a picturesque cozy city, located just 167 km from Moscow. For the first time, Tver is mentioned in 1135. Initially, she was just a fortress, but subsequently was attached already in the status of the city to Vladimir-Suzdal Lands. And in 1247, Tver becomes an independent principality headed by Prince Yaroslav Tverskova, Alexander Nevsky's brother. Gradually developing and acquiring increasing significance, Tver turns into the Central City of Vladimir Rus. The next 200 years, Tver constantly competed with Moscow for the right to be considered the capital of Russia. Obviously, this explains some similarity of the historical parts of these two cities.

The main attraction of Tver is the traveling palace of Catherine, built by order of the Empress at the end of the 18th century in order to ensure rest of the royal family when moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg. To date, the palace undergoing many changes for two centuries is a literary and historical and architectural museum. It also demonstrates the exposition of the Tver Regional Art Gallery, where you can see the invaluable exhibits dated by the 14th century, as well as later canvas of famous artists, porcelain products, glass, wood, various sculptures and engraving.

Travel palace

Cognitive for tourists will be an excursion to the waterfront Stepan Razin. Most of the houses were built back in 1763 through the system of "single facade" close one to another. Thus, a single ensemble was formed from houses made in the style of the 18th century. All the construction, the works of Tver masters are decorated with artfully painted shutters, gates with carved arches and other art elements.

Tver is famous for its monuments to writers, poets and public figures. On the embankment of the Zavolzhsky district, you can see the bronze monument to Athanasia Nikitin, the famous native Tver. A.S. Pushkin, often formerly in the city, Tverchi erected two monuments - on the embankment of Mikhail Yaroslavlich and near the city drama theater. In the square in Tverskaya Square you can see a monument to M.E. Saltykov-generous, which in the period from 1860 to 1862 held the post of Vice-Governor Tver and made a significant contribution to the development of the city.


There are in Tver and your small "Arbat" - Three-Wisty Street. Here, tourists can purchase souvenirs made by Tver masters, to see the work of local artists and visit the small cozy cafes. On this street traditionally pass folk festivals and various public events.

The most famous and large museum is the Tver State Unified Museum. It consists of 32 branches located in Tver and the region. The museum presents more than 400 thousand exhibits that tell us about the history of the edge, its culture, flora and fauna. The Central Museum of the Complex is located on Soviet street 5.


Traveling to Tver will be even more fascinating and informative, if you use water transport, because the city port, built dozens of years ago, is hospitably open for all river vessels.


Comments leave a comment
Ilya 01/31/2016 at 18:03

There are many other interesting places)) for example, few people know, and in our city there is a mirror labyrinth)) a very unusual and cool place, and there are no photos anywhere else anywhere. At the same time, it is possible to check ourselves to the ability to navigate in an unusual space. In general, I advise everyone! They are in the shopping center "Domino", it is in front of the southern bridge.


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