Where to go in Omsk

Where to go in Omsk

Acquaintance with the city in which you have never been, is a kind of trip in time. From the past, living in the walls of ancient buildings, they immediately get into a new world of high spirits, buzzing cars and fuss. Such appears before tourists Omsk - the city where F.M.Dostoevsky was sitting in Ostrog and the bet of Kolchak was located. Located between Taiga and Stepha, Omsk retained the spirit of past times, while at the same time offering tourists many modern entertainment for adults and children.

Omsk is a real Klondike for those who are interested in history or culture. The most interesting historical monument is the Omsk Fortress. Today, only some of its parts are preserved - the Tar and Tobolsk gates, the Humupwacht building, Kirch and the Commandant house. In the latter, the Museums of the Department of Internal Affairs and Literary Museum are located. Dostoevsky. A cinema hall has been working on the fortress where you can see the thematic documentary, historical exhibitions pass. Do not pass by the Omsk historical and local history museum, the Museum of Theater Art, Fine Arts. Vrubel, where among other works of Russian and Western European masters is the largest collection of vintage icons in Siberia.

If you are not indifferent to the theater, keep in mind: in Omsk many theaters. The most famous is the oldest academic theater of drama, chamber and musical, dramatic, youth, puppet theaters.

Omsk and unique architectural monuments are famous (about 250), beautiful embankments and bridges. It is necessary to visit the Assumption Cathedral - the largest temple of the city, the Cross-Zodanzhensky Cathedral, relating to the Baroque style. Both were built at the end of the 19th century. An unforgettable spectacle opens from the Christ-Christmas Cathedral, the height of his domes is 40 meters. On the Alley of the writers located on Martynov Boulevard, there are 13 memorable stones telling about famous writers and poets related to the city. In Omsk there are original monuments: Don Quixote, Miracle Yudo Fish Whale and Plumbing Stepanchu, who gets out straight from Luke. By tradition during the holidays, the citizens give him a glass of vodka.

Those who love nature will have to do the huge victory park, where you can even get lost without a card, the natural reserve in the city of "Bird Harbor" or the 300th anniversary of Omsk, in which there is a picturesque lake.

For children at any time of the year, the Amusement Parks "N-Terra", "Europark", game centers, theaters, circus are open. Be sure to look into the aquarium and children, and their parents - enjoy the sight of predatory reptiles and fish floating in the wall aquariums, and jellyfish right under your feet. Pulls to sports and games - for adults and children there is a Laser Tag Arena "Portal-55", where you are waiting for real laser paintball wars.

Tired of excursions and entertainment, do not forget about souvenirs and local delicacies - mineral water and a delicious condensed milk in Russia.



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