Is it possible to make a massage in varicose

Is it possible to make a massage in varicose

Varicose veins - a very dangerous and unpredictable disease. People suffering from this ailment should be carried out with special care to carry out procedures for care for their body. For example, massage can both bring the therapeutic effect and remove the pains in the legs and aggravate the course of the disease and cause veins thrombosis.

Types of massage in varicose veins

In any case, before starting a massage procedure, you must be consulted with your doctor. Indeed, with varying degrees of varicose veins can be different contraindications. People with complicated forms of varicose veins are generally shown by massage performed only by professional medical examinations, and self-massage is strictly prohibited.

Medical classic massage

If the disease passes in a light form, the treatment massage is allowed, with various light plugging, stroking, shakes. The correct regular massage will strengthen the vessels, will return to them the tone, and will also improve blood circulation, remove fatigue in the legs and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Vacuum massage using cans

Such a procedure can be carried out at home using cans and a proposed battlement or in specialized massage rooms with vacuum apparatus consisting of cans and a cylinder. Only a doctor can assign such treatment, he also specifies places where banks should be applied, and the frequency of the procedure. The cannon massage well relieves pain in the legs, helps to get rid of the custody in the veins. People with a complicated form of varicose veins are forbidden to carry out such a massage on the inner surface of the hip and the popliteate yam.

Salon Massage Types

In a massage office you can offer alternative types of massage allowed by patients with varicose veins. These are such procedures as:

  • The pneumatic massage at which the special apparatus that serves and pumps air is carried out according to massageable areas of the body.
  • Vortex underwater massage carried out in a special bathroom. In it, water is supplied with circular jets.
  • Circular shower is a massage of the whole body with horizontal jets of water from a special circular installation.

Self-massage foot

Such a massage is admissible only at the initial stages of the disease. At the same time, the sequence of massage should be like this:

  1. light stroking;
  2. rubbing;
  3. pinching;
  4. melting.

Self-massage should be carried out only by hand without using some special massage devices.

Invalid massages in varicose veins

It is impossible to treat the massage procedure disseminally if you have varicose veins even in the easiest stages. It is necessary to know exactly what kinds and methods of massage can in no way use:

  • Fully eliminate the vibration massage, especially at home. No electrovibromassagers can be applied if you do not want to harm your veins health.
  • With very launched varicose forms, all types of foot massages are banned. Only the massage of the lumbar region in reflex-segmental technique is allowed.
  • Conducting a massage without a preliminary test of blood clotting is strictly prohibited.
  • Any massage with the use of aids, ointments and oils is undesirable. For example, in the case of the use of honey as a stimulating agent, you can get serious complications.
  • Classic massage should be carried out without impact techniques.
  • Aggressive anti-cellulite massage is prohibited, it should be replaced by more gentle types of massage.

With varicose veins, massage is allowed and is even shown, but it should be carried out with extreme caution and after consulting a specialist.

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Mila 12/21/2015 at 22:48.


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Antonina 11/08/2016 at 17:14

The girlfriend had a bitter massage experience using liquid honey. After such a procedure, venous meshes appeared on the thigh. Therefore, I do not want to risk.

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