Legs drives convulsion what to do

Legs drives convulsion what to do

Foot cramps - painful manifestations of our organism arising due to involuntary and uncontrolled muscle contractions. This unpleasant feeling worries everyone without exception, despite the age category and sexuality. Muscle spasms occur most often at night, during sleep. With a sudden cramping of feet, you can help yourself in several ways.

Stand up your barefoot on the cold floor and, trying not to bend the legs in the knees, lean towards the legs of the legs, making the maximum possible stretching of the muscles reduced by the cramp. It is possible to make a similar exercise and sitting: wrap the fingers of the foot with your hand, dramatically pull them on yourself and hold so some time. In this case, the tense muscle is actively rubbed.

Energetically massage the feet and leg muscles, use warming cream. The location of the localization of pain can be patted and pinching - it exceeds the tone of muscle fibers and relaxes them.

After the muscle voltage bends, take a horizontal position, raising my legs. By this, you will reduce the likelihood of repetition of the attack, since the influx of blood to the lower limbs will be reduced.

If the convulsion nuts you during the swim, the main thing is not to panic, try to relax and get to the place where you can steadily stand up on your feet. Leave the reservoir, perform all previous recommendations, squeeze the leg and try not to translate anymore.

With regular appearance of the feet, it is necessary to conduct a survey and obtain advice of narrow-profile specialists, as this may be a symptom of the beginning of a serious disease (diabetes, lack of mineral substances in the body or impaired their balance, varicose disease, exchange proceedings, cardiovascular pathologies, malfunctions In the work of the thyroid gland, kidneys and the urogenital system).

Take the prevention of cramps of the feet:

  • Get comfortable shoes, avoid large physical exertion on the limb, do not drink alcohol, do not drink coffee, refuse cigarettes.
  • Provide your diet of products of rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium (whole range of berries, bananas, grapes, fruits, juices, sea fish, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, cabbage, all types of green, eggs, cheeses, corn).
  • Regularly perform gymnastics for legs, self-massage and special relaxing exercises.
  • Take a contrasting souls (paying special attention to your feet), make baths on dauls of medicinal herbs with soothing and anticonvulsant properties (mint, field, Valeriana).
  • Pay attention to your psycho-emotional and general condition, ensure your body with a full-fledged rest and relaxing environment.

Foot cramps are the bell of our body, signing that it is necessary to take some measures to prevent the development of the disease. Go to healthy minerals and vitamins Balanced nutrition, conduct preventive measures, and you not only get rid of convulsions, but also warn the occurrence of many serious diseases, improve your well-being and increase the quality of life.

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Alina 07/05/2020 at 7:19.

More recently, I woke up every night because of a convulsion ... This is something with something, of course (((the doctor advised to start taking Magnesium Chelats Evalarovsky (I ordered a phytivalarket in the online store, so cheaper came out), well, I said before To warm her legs in warm water. So gradually got rid of the attack ... I advise you if anyone also suffers.


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