Local accumulation of excess fluid in the body is called elemental. This condition is manifested by weight, discomfort and joints in the joints. Swelling can be a symptom serious Diseases. Often even Foot occurs in the evening and in the morning the symptom disappears. To determine the cause and begin Proper treatment of the pathological condition, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a survey, since often the edema of the legs carry a danger to human health.
Kidney disease. Evenkers in renal diseases are distributed evenly on both limbs, mainly on the back of the legs. There is no pain or itching on the affected area. Most often such edema appear after transferred Respiratory infection when complications apply to kidneys. Excessive accumulation of salt in the body leads to an imbalance of trace elements. After use salt Products man drink Many liquid. Due to violations kaliyevo-Solerevoy Water exchange falls into occocci space. Excess liquid accumulates, which is most often distributed in the lower limbs. At Extra weight of a person disrupts the distribution of the load on the joints. In addition, excess kilograms slows down the metabolism and blood flow. These factors contribute to the emergence eleks Foot.4) Visorious-hearty Diseases. Benefits occur in the violation of blood outflow on the blood vessels. Emission is distributed symmetrically, the skin in the area edema - bluish shade, pressing remains Recess. In the absence of treatment, skin diseases are developing - dermatitis and cracks. Feet edema are observed with such cardiovascular diseases : aneurysm of blood vessels , heart disease , cardiomyopathy , thrombosis.
- overvoltage, fatigue feet ;
- insect and poisonous animal bites ;
- uncomfortable shoes, as well as with frequent wearing high heels ;
- allergic reaction ;
- tensions and fractures of the joints ;
- adverse Reactions reception medications.
Escapes without manifestation of symptoms of other diseases are not dangerous, but deliver a lot of inconveniences and pain. To remove even from the lower extremities and for the prevention of appearance edema, need to put legs on the roller during the seating, use special creams and ointment to relieve fatigue, alternate the burden with rest. With the appearance of additional symptoms, you need to consult a doctor .