Women and men suffer from varicose feet. Among the orders, the opinion is common that the so-called "veins" nature awards those people who, by the nature of their work, spend most of the time on their feet. But pregnant women are also in the risk risk group, and people leading a low-wear lifestyle, and those in whose disease there was a given disease. Today, varicose varicoses are treated with different methods, we will talk about the harudateraphy of the legs.
What is hirudotherapy
Treatment with leeches, which put on sore places and which are thinning blood, and is called hirudotherapy. The word this happened from the Latin name of the leech - Hirudo Medicinales. The method is not officially medical, but many doctors consider it quite effective. The essence of the Giudorteraia is that leeching, contacting the skin and starting to drink blood, at the same time injects his saliva in the wound. It has a chief enzyme of blood liquefaction - girudine. It is this substance that the substance is located in the most famous gel from the fatigue and removal of the swelling, the name of it is "Hirudovien".
Who puts leeches
It is impossible to put leeches on their own, if only a person is not a specialist in this area. Only the doctor who graduated from the hirudotherapy courses is able to determine the stage of the disease, finding suitable places on the legs, where to put leeches and ensure their reliable suction. Hirudotherapy offices are mainly working in private clinics, where it should be handled. If the patient has results of surveys on the subject of varicose foot, they need to take them.
How to put leeches on the legs
The leeches on the legs put, adhering to such basic rules:
- On the day of the production of leeches, the patient does not have to wash with soap or gel, use spirits and drink alcohol. This is required so that the skin does not have extraneous odors, in which leeches will not be sled. Before the delivery of leeches, the skin is processed by a medical alcohol, and its smell is cleaned with hot water.
- All medical equipment (tweezers, tray, oilcloth, test tubes, etc.) should be carefully sterilized.
- The leeches before they are installed on the skin must be hungry so that they immediately sit down and began to drink blood.
- Before the immediate stopping of leeches on the skin of their scenes can be treated with sweet water. This decision takes a doctor who is able to determine the activity of living leeches.
- The leeches on the legs put in such a way that they were 2 pieces on the most problem places. A few more pieces are located along the sick vein.
- Drinking leeches Dr. removes forcibly, or they can disappear on their own.
- We can use leeches only once - after the procedure, they must be disposed of.
How leeches help in the treatment of varicose legs
In order for leeches to help in the treatment of varicose feet diseases, the hirudotherapy should be conducted by courses. The number of sessions and breaks between them can only determine the doctor. It will rely on the initial state of the patient and visual control of the veins after the procedures. If strictly follow the recommendations of the hirudotherapist, then you can expect the following improvements:
- blood will become more liquid;
- partially dissipate the clocks and clots;
- improved elasticity of vessel walls;
- futing nutrition is activated;
- get swelling feet.
No matter how good leeches are, they are not considered panacea in the treatment of varicose the lower extremities. Hormotherapy is rather an additional method to the main treatment, which determines the vascular surgeon.
If you have varicking legs, do not tighten with its treatment - it can grow into thrombophlebitis, which leads to surgical intervention. With a planning visit to the doctor, consult him about leeches. Only if he approves this method, look for a literate hirudotherapist.