Cream from Varicoz Clean Legs

Cream from Varicoz Clean Legs

Clean Legs cream is one of the leaders in the fight against varicose veins. As stated by the manufacturer, it does not contain components provoking side effects, and acts faster than similar preparations. High quality cream is confirmed by relevant certificates and positive user reviews.

The main components of the cream

The Clean Legs contains natural substances such as:

  • Salts of the Dead Sea. In essence, there are a complex of vitamins and minerals, such as sulfur, bromine, magnesium, iodine, silicon. The action of the component is directed to the regeneration of the skin and blood vessels, as well as to reduce the level of inflammation.
  • Anticoagulants. Substances that reduce the ability of blood to coagulation. Space the blood clots in the vessels, stimulate blood flow.
  • Concentrate from the seeds of Chestnut Konsky. Ensures itching and gravity in the legs, soothes pain. Toning veins and improves blood circulation.

The action of the three components simultaneously increases the elasticity of the vessels and facilitates the course of the disease. And if the varicose varicose is not in the running stage, Clean Legs cream is able to cure it.

Instructions for use

For medicinal purposes, use the cream as follows:

  1. Apply to sick places.
  2. Massive with your fingers for about 10 minutes - make the movement from below.
  3. Use 2-3 times a day.

With constant use of the cream, you will feel the improvement in about a month. If during this time the signs of the disease did not disappear, continue to lubricate the problem areas. When the symptoms disappear, use Clean Legs to prevent once before bedtime.

Precautionary measures

Undoubtedly, a lot of advantages at the cream. But before buying it, consult a doctor. He will appreciate the condition of your feet, check if there are no contraindications, and will give their recommendations. Using cream, observe precautions and remember:

  • Do not lubricate your feet by the drug if the skin is badly damaged - it is unsafe.
  • The active elements of the cream are able to penetrate the layers of the epidermis, but they have a temporary effect on the vascular system. Therefore, when the disease occurs in severe, treatment must be accompanied by additional drugs and procedures.
  • Varicose can develop as a concomitant disease, and Clean Legs will not help in its treatment. In this case, consult your doctor and go through the course of the treatment of the main disease.

Additional procedures

Treating any disease is a combination of several drugs and procedures. For a speedy disposal of varicose veins, follow these recommendations:

  • once a day, warm your feet in hot water, and then keep them under a cool jet;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • for blood liquefaction, drink more water;
  • do not wear uncomfortable shoes, including on heels;
  • take a light sport - walking, running, swimming;
  • do not eat a lot of sharp, salt, fatty or sweet products.

If you sit on work a lot, set the break in your graph, during which you make a workout or just pass through the office. The duration of the pause is 10 minutes, they are made every hour. If the work is standing - during the pauses, sit on the chair and rest, relaxing my legs. The fulfillment of these tips together with the use of Clean LEGS cream will reduce the intensity of the varicose disease.

How to purchase drug

Cream is not difficult to buy, taking advantage of official site of the manufacturer. It is sold in other online stores. Approximate price - 1500 rubles.

Cream from Clean Legs Varicoz is not a panacea, but will help get rid of symptoms in the light stages of the disease.

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