Varicosis in men

Varicosis in men

Some men are surprised to perceive information about varicose veins, believing that it is a purely female disease. But men are also subject to him, and according to statistics up to 30% of strong sex representatives facing this problem. The process of them proceeds in a more complicated form with complications. In addition, the varicose veins can be not only on the legs, but also on their hands, and in the genitals.

Symptoms of varicose feet in men

Men are much less likely to pay attention to the state of their feet and write off the first symptoms for ordinary fatigue. Begin the alarm start only with pronounced nodes and pains in the legs. In varicose veins, the connecting tissue of venous valves is affected, which leads to cluster of blood and an increase in pressure in the veins. Due to the violation of the venous blood flow, the vessels are thinned, change their shape. A vascular mesh appears, and after venous nodes.

Symptoms of the disease pronounced:

  1. Soreness of legs when driving;
  2. Lomotics at rest;
  3. Night cramps;
  4. Evening severity and itching in the course of the veins;
  5. Changing the color of the skin;
  6. The appearance of a pronounced venous pattern.


Causes of varicose men in men

Where to take him from strong defenders! After all, men do not give birth to children, they do not go high-heeled, they have a much more stable hormonal background than women. The physiological reasons for the appearance of the ailment is not so much, but factors affecting them, and in men abuse:

  • heredity;
  • age;
  • lifting weights and sedentary lifestyle;
  • receiving hormonal drugs in large quantities;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits.

Causes of varicose

Complications of varicose men in men

Many representatives of the stronger sex are not very fond of attending physicians and live by the principle "will pass by itself." But varicose veins - a very insidious disease. And if time does not begin treatment initially sluggish and asymptomatic disease, the consequences could be dire. The most common complication - a thrombophlebitis. Due to the stagnation of blood clots in the veins are formed, and thereafter clots. The clot can completely block the vein and can move through the bloodstream. The high probability of detachment of a thrombus, which leads to death. The appearance of venous ulcers with varicose veins cause pain, unaesthetic view, long-term healing and the emergence of the terrible scars.


Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of varicose veins at an early stage is more complicated, because the patient does not feel the symptoms and does not complain about his condition. But running varices more difficult to heal.

Allow to diagnose the disease the following methods:

  • ultrasound examinations allow to find out the rate of blood flow and filling of the veins;
  • two-dimensional and three-dimensional scanning makes it possible to check the condition of blood vessels and valves;
  • computer and laser methods.

In the initial stages of possible treatment using ointments, drugs that enhance blood flow, and compression underwear.

In more advanced cases, the men offered surgical methods to get rid of the problem:

  1. Sclerotherapy. In the vein injected gel-like substance, which eventually fills the lumen of the vessel.
  2. Laser treatment. diseased vessels (glued) are removed under the influence of the laser, and the blood moves through healthy.
  3. In more severe and advanced cases surgery is necessary.


Prevention of disease

Any disease is better to prevent than to deal with prolonged treatment. If a man is predisposed to varicose veins, or the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of Phlebology:

  1. To do gymnastics for the blood acceleration;
  2. Control weight;
  3. To refuse from bad habits;
  4. Apply a douche for the feet;
  5. Conduct a massage;
  6. Go swimming and hiking;
  7. Use a compression garment.

Cold and hot shower

People's Councils for the treatment of varicose veins in men

At the initial stage, quite effectively help recipes and methods of traditional medicine:

  • The use of compression-based cleansing, toning and anti-inflammatory herbs. Oak bark, horsetail, buckthorn bark, horse chestnut is ideal for the preparation of lotions.
  • Mazi based on honey, garlic, apple vinegar.
  • Treatment of varicose veins with leeches.
  • The use of beekeeping products.

Honey Acacia-2

Men must not be less careful about the health of their feet. Treatment and diagnosis in the initial stages is much easier and cheaper. The problem left on samonek can lead to irreversible processes.

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