Konsky chestnut from varicose

Konsky chestnut from varicose

The horse chestnut is considered the most effective way in the treatment of varicose varicose. Chestnut is used for the preparation of drugs, as well as additives to herbal fees.

Therapeutic properties of horse chestnut

A number of therapeutic substances of the plant strengthens the walls of the vessels. The distinctive property of chestnut - the presence in its composition of a large number of eskulil and escine. Escin dilutes blood, improves circulation, increases capillaries. Eskulin strengthens the capillaries, reducing their fragility, reduces the risks of the appearance of thrombov. Both substances slow down blood sharing and prevent the cluster of blood clots in the veins.

Rules for collecting fruits

Therapeutic properties have seeds, bark, leaves and flowers. Fruits tear off when they reach a rounded form. Before use, they are cleaned from the skin. In the spring, you can collect leaves and flowers, at this time the number of useful substances as much as possible. If necessary, they are dried indoors. So that the greens do not mold out, the workpiece must be intermitted periodically.

Tincture from horse chestnut

It will take chestnut and vodka. Mail on the meat grinder fruits (nuts) of chestnut, pour 50 g of crawle into deep dishes and fill 500 g of vodka. After seven days, carefully strain. Take 10 drops of tincture 3 times a day, treat 3 weeks. The course of treatment is limited, no more than a month, otherwise poisoning is possible. After a short break, treatment can be continued, but reduce the dose by half.

Ointment of chestnut

The drug is made of fruits, plant flowers and vegetable oil. Mail 5 large chestnuts and pour them into deep dishes. Add 5 tablespoons of flowers. Pour floor-liter oil in dishes. In addition to vegetable, you can use peach or almond. Put the solution on a water bath and boil 2 hours, then strain. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator. Twice a day, lubricate the legs with this mixture.

Kashtana juice

Getting from plant flowers. To obtain the juice, green grind and assemble the liquid. Paint juice after meals, 30 drops, drinking with a small amount of water. In parallel, apply the liquid on the affected sections of the legs. The substance can prevent stagnation of blood. The liquid is not stored for a long time, it can be mocked, diluting with vodka in proportion 1: 2. Take a drug with alcohol before eating 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.


Any chestnut ointment is suitable for the bath. Pour in 2 liters of hot water 40 g ointment and mix. Warm legs in water 15 minutes. After the procedure, go to the blanket for an hour.

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Chestnut and herbs ointment

We will need flowers and leaves of sage (10 g), acacia flowers (10 g), clamp of bitter (10 g), chestnut (30 g). Green grind, chestnut pass through the meat grinder. Add to ingredients a spoonful of starch, 200 g of hot chicken fat and mix. Put the dishes with a blank on a water bath for 3 hours. Remove from the fire and insist 12 hours. Swipe the mixture and move in the hot condition. Remove the solids from the mixture. Lubricate the feet of my feet 3 times a day.

Preventive chestnut and herbs tincture

It will take the yarrow, the Speert and Ruta are fragrant (1 teaspoon), ground chestnut (1 tablespoon), bark willows (2 teaspoons). All mix. Pour in dishes 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures and fill with two glasses of boiling water. Place the water bath for half an hour. Drink the tincture for two weeks twice a day for 1/3 cup. You can repeat the course in a weekly break.

Drugs from chestnut for the treatment of varicose veins are prescribed even doctors who do not recognize traditional medicine. However, it is necessary to remember that this tool is very strongly diluted with blood, and during treatment it is necessary to constantly control blood clotting so that hemorrhage does not occur.

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