  • Health
    The organization of the work of all children's and adult district polyclinic is built on the territorial principle of medical care.
    01.05.2018 625 0
  • Anatomy
    Cystitis is called the inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The main cause of pathology is a bacterial infection.
    09.03.2018 423 0
  • Health
    Hospice is not just a place of stay - this is a free set of specialized services that help patients and their families cope with the disease of loved ones.
    01.02.2018 506 0
  • Diseases
    Orthopedics call the Surgery section, which studies the robot of the musculoskeletal system, including bone and muscle structures.
    31.01.2018 377 0
  • Diseases
    In medical registers, the diagnosis of "sand in the kidneys" will not be able to find. But it is this pathology that leads to urolithiasis, cite and pyelonephritis.
    22.01.2018 337 0
  • Health
    The spermogram is a special analysis, the results of which make it possible to judge the ability of a man to conceive a child, contain information on the presence of various sexual diseases.
    05.11.2017 362 0
  • Diseases
    Fractional pressure measurement is a mandatory procedure for all people, regardless of age, gender and other signs.
    21.07.2017 398 0
  • Health
    Uzi small pelvis organs are one of the main methods for diagnosing female health, which is very popular.
    02.07.2017 594 0
  • Health
    In most patients who need to pass a number of medical examinations, there are often questions: why the MRI is being examined, what is its security and how often can I do MRI?
    01.07.2017 451 0
  • Health
    Treating any disease or simply preventive medical examination provide for the delivery of some mandatory tests.
    01.07.2017 461 0
  • Diseases
    The thyroid gland is the most important part of the endocrine system. The task of the thyroid gland is to produce hormones, without which the metabolism cannot normally occur, especially calcium, the distribution of energy.
    01.07.2017 408 1
  • Health
    Each person at least once in his life came across blood analysis on sugar. But when the time comes to visit doctors, it does not represent what to do.
    22.05.2017 384 0
  • Anatomy
    Many people in their desire to help people plan to become donors. And if those who have already passed blood know about the time that should pass between blood surrender, then newcomers often ask such a question.
    08.05.2017 480 0
  • Anatomy
    According to official data, in Russia a large lack of bone marrow donors. In this regard, patients and needy people have to go to foreign registries with a request to choose them a suitable donor, which often costs more than twenty thousand dollars.
    30.04.2017 407 0
  • Anatomy
    The ultrasound of the prostate our men do mainly when the doctor prescribes the procedure. But this medical manipulation should be done for prevention to do not miss any disease.
    16.02.2017 459 1
  • Diseases
    Allergy is a disease that can manifest itself at any time. An allergic reaction can provoke literally any product, a thing and even natural phenomena.
    10.02.2017 486 0
  • Stomach, intestine
    The feces analysis allows you to identify the violation of the functions of the intestinal tract, liver and pancreas. In the correctly assembled material, experts will also be able to see the presence of eggs of various helminths, blood and bile acid.
    09.02.2017 552 1
  • Diseases
    Bakposev urine is an important analysis to help identify the pathogenic microflora in the organs of the urogenital system and assign appropriate treatment.
    08.02.2017 459 0
  • Health
    If you are a man and you have to hand over the smear for the first time in my life, then this article is specifically for you. In it, you will find recommendations for the preparation for the procedure and the description of the procedure itself.
    07.02.2017 503 0
  • State documents
    When moving to a new place, many people can remain in ignorance, relative to their clinic addresses.
    27.01.2017 557 0
  • Health
    In the modern world, almost no one uses a fixed telephone. Most people switched to cellular communication.
    15.10.2016 558 0
  • Health
    The question of what female consultation is, usually becomes relevant after the news of pregnancy.
    04.03.2016 1753 2
  • Health
    The appointment of any treatment without complete analysis is impossible, as this will not be just an ineffective solution, but it can cause irreparable harm to human health.
    02.03.2016 1422 0
  • Health
    The labor process of the decreed contingent of workers involves frequent contact with children in particular (care, training, education) and the population as a whole (trade, medical and utility service), as well as with food products (from production to implementation).
    17.01.2016 1371 0
  • Health
    The study of brain vessels allows you to identify the slightest violations in the work of the body and, if necessary, begin timely treatment.
    23.02.2015 1441 1
  • Pregnancy
    The long-awaited moment is nearing - the kid will appear very soon! It is necessary to approach with full responsibility, prepare for a meeting of the baby in advance.
    04.01.2015 1277 0
  • Pregnancy
    After you have learned about pregnancy, you need to register in women's consultation. It is necessary in order for a woman in a delicate period, under the supervision of specialists, various procedures have passed for monitoring the state of their health and the development of the kid.
    25.11.2014 828 0
  • Health
    Urine Analysis is a simple laboratory study that each person has come to pass more than once.
    23.11.2014 1861 0
  • Health
    To take tests, it is not necessary to be patients at all. With the help of laboratory studies of human biological material, you can learn a lot of useful and interesting, as well as reveal and prevent various ailments.
    22.11.2014 892 0
  • Health
    Unfortunately, complaints about unlawful behavior (action) of medical personnel, and sometimes inaction - not uncommon.
    22.11.2014 2906 1
  • Health
    No one wants to hurt, but this condition of the body is not uncommon. To get to the doctor, before it was necessary to spend half a day, as there are many patients and for the inspection of each person will be required at least about 15 minutes.
    20.11.2014 1297 0
  • Health
    Receiving the policy of compulsory health insurance, people do not always express their desire regarding a specific medical institution in which they would like to be serviced.
    17.11.2014 2500 0
  • Health
    The modern image and rhythm of life contributed to rejuvenation and an increase in diseases of the vessels. It requires more attention to their health and warning of heart pathologies.
    31.10.2014 1659 1
  • Health
    According to its sizes, the heart of a person corresponds to his fist. Someone has more, someone has less, but despite this, in a day, any heart passes through himself hundreds of blood liters, directing it to all internal organs, in all parts of the body.
    21.09.2014 3606 1
  • Health
    Treatment of various oncological diseases with the help of cytostatic drugs, and simply speaking, chemotherapy is not the most pleasant, but rather effective way to fight.
    14.09.2014 3554 2
  • Health
    Most proctological diseases require for setting the correct diagnosis and appointment of treatment of such a delicate procedure as rectoscopy.
    10.09.2014 3123 0
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