Where you can pass the spermogram

Where you can pass the spermogram

Spermogram is a special analysis, the results of which make it possible to judge the ability of a man to conceive a child, contain information about the presence of various sexual diseases. Such an analysis is appointed when a man's infertility is suspected, sperm donors, and also, if a man decided to cry cryrement.

Where you can pass the spermogram

The crossing of the ejaculate is the process of deep intimate. In addition, if there are deviations from the norm, the analysis will need to be reused after 1-2 weeks. Therefore, approaching the selection of the place of delivery should be responsible. To date, in each regional center, a large city there is a laboratory or large diagnostic centers, private and state-owned, providing the opportunity to pass the spermogram.

In scientific institutions that study issues of reproductions, highly qualified specialists work, but conditions may not be very comfortable.

It is convenient to use the services of large diagnostic laboratories that have an extensive network of branches. They have a pleasant atmosphere, and the result can be obtained not only personally, but also by email.

How to prepare for the delivery of spermogram

To get the most reliable result, 2-7 days before the analysis of the analysis, follow some rules.

  • Refuse sex and masturbation
  • No alcohol and potent medical drugs
  • Do not go to the bath or sauna, do not take hot bath
  • Do not overcoat
  • Exclude increased exercise

How and where you need to pass the ejaculate

Seed material for analysis is assembled by a man alone only with masturbation. Of course, it is more convenient to do at home, but then the laboratory technicians have doubts about the correctness of the collection of sperm, and therefore the accuracy of the result.

In the laboratory there is a separate room with all the conditions where the man first washes his hands, the urethra, and then collects seed fluid into sterile capacity.
CONCLUSION ON SERMICS You can get the next day.

For what parameters evaluate cum

In determining the effectiveness of spermatozoa, a number of indicators are simultaneously considered, which are provided for by the World Health Organization:

  • volume of seed fluid;
  • the amount of spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate;
  • dilution time and viscosity;
  • acidity;
  • color and smell;
  • mobility of sperm;
  • morphological indicators.

For most men, the crumogram passing is a complex psychological barrier. It is necessary to decide for such a step for the sake of your health and the possibility of continuing the kind. Even if the analysis results are disappointing, the final diagnosis is set by an andrologist after a full survey and additional analyzes.

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