How to pass blood on sugar

How to pass blood on sugar

Each person at least once in his life came across blood analysis on sugar. But when the time comes to visit the doctors, it does not represent what to do. What can eat? Is fast starvation? What products a person can eat, and which no? Consider this in more detail.

We learn the type of research that you need to pass. Usually this is a standard analysis, a study on the poor susceptibility of glucose or an analysis under load.

Before visiting the laboratory with "ordinary analysis" and "under load" - it is impossible to eat about 12 hours. If a study is carried out on poor glucose susceptibility, then the food cannot be taken for about 2 hours until the blood is given.

It is necessary to completely abandon the beloved glass of beer or other alcohol in two days before the analysis.

It is necessary to exclude all stressful situations at work or in the family. This may lead to the distortion of the results.

You can not take tablets or other medicines.

Before analysis, you do not need to use sweet food and drinks: tea, juice, cocktails, coffee, compotes, etc.

Discard the campaign to the laboratory during the period of infectious disease.

After passing the X-ray or physiotherapy, visits to the laboratory are also undesirable.

If this is an analysis under load, then concentrated glucose is drunk after the first blood intake, and then the blood fence is made for half an hour.

You do not need to violate these simple rules, and your analysis will show the correct result.

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