How to stop blood from the finger

How to stop blood from the finger

Hand damage and fingers are quite common in everyday life. You can inactively using a knife, damage the skin or hit the finger with a hammer during repair work. What if blood flows, and you can't stop it? We will look at the main ways to stop bleeding from the finger.

First of all, remove garbage and dirt from the wound. To do this wash your hands with soap in cool water. Do not worry, the water from the crane is less dangerous than the infection that fell into the cut together with pieces of food or garbage. After that, be sure to treat the damage to the antiseptic. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol is suitable. If you do not have access to running water, wipe the wound with a wet cloth. Instead of peroxide, you can use green. Do not use iodine to stop bleeding, it strongly cuts the skin, and the wound will longer heal.

How to stop blood from the finger

If a cut or damage is shallow, then let's drop from it with several blood drops. Together with her from the wound, bacteria and pieces of dirt are purred. To stop the blood, hold the tampon, impregnated with an antiseptic of 1-2 minutes. After the blood stops, impose a clean sterile bandage on damage and creemet the plaster. Try to use the plaster only when you work. Cuts are faster to heal if they are open.

How to stop blood from the finger

What to do if after removing the wool with an antiseptic bleeding continues? In this case, impose a bandage on the wound and closer to the brush make a tight bandage. A dense layer of bandage will not give blood flow, and it will stop. In case of severe damage after the wound processing, you can immerse your hand into the ice or simply attach a cold, pre-defending the wound from moisture. To do this, put on the finger of the rubber attack or just on top of the bandage, tie cellophane. Low temperature contributes to stopping bleeding.

How to stop blood from the finger

In the absence of ice, clog the finger of gauze and lift it up. If the bandage quickly seeps with blood, then immerse your hand into a solution of manganese. To do this, dissolve a few crystals of manganese in a liter of water. After the procedure, cover the bint binst. If blood continues to appear from the wound, contact the trauma, it is possible to cut. The pharmacy sells special glue to stop blood. Just apply glue to damage. Due to the thick consistency, the means of bleeding stops. You can use iodinol. Apply this drug to the wound and bandage, clog your finger. Even if the march is completely soaked in blood, you should not shoot it. After 10-20 minutes, the bleeding will stop.

How to stop blood from the finger

What if you are in nature, and there is no first aid kit? In this case, you can stop blood from a small cut with:

  • antiperspirant;
  • vaseline;
  • cobwebs;
  • sahara;
  • starch.

How to stop blood from the finger

All these substances are applied to the cut. Their composition contains components with knitting properties. Do not be surprised, the web contains a natural antiseptic that destroys bacteria. Soon blood stops. After arriving in the city, treat the wound with an antiseptic and cover it with a sterile bandage.

How to stop blood from the finger

Be careful and follow the safety technique. In trips, be sure to take a first-aid kit.


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