Does not heal seam after surgery what to do

Does not heal seam after surgery what to do

Seam is an irreversible consequence after surgery. Someone he heals very quickly, and someone hurts a lot of inconvenience: hurts, pulls, whines, does not heal for a long time. It all depends on the body, from the experience of the doctor who carried out the operation, and on how correctly the seam is made. Usually healing occurs during the period of time from several weeks to a month. But there are cases when pathology arise, and the seam does not heal. To accelerate healing, you need to take the following measures.

How to speed up the healing of the seam

There are general recommendations for accelerating wound healing after surgery:

  • As you often, remove the dressing and keep the seam outdoors, because, as you know, he dries well.
  • Mazi "Levosin", "Levomekol", "Stellan", "Sinaflan" helps to remove inflammation.
  • If the seam is fucked, you need to wash it with hydrogen peroxide and process with an antiseptic: a solution of diamond greenery or iodoperone, a chickenpiece liquid.
  • To help the healing of the wound from the inside, you can take vitamins, enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Physiotherapy helps well. If there are no contraindications to it, then this method is very effective.
  • After the doctor decides threads, you can process seam by sea buckthorn oil and essential oils, which stimulate skin regeneration, such as patchouli, tea tree.

How to get rid of complications

In some cases, the seam does not heal for a long time, it is inflamed and soaked. To accelerate healing, it is necessary to carry out correct care measures:

  • If during the rehabilitation period the patient raises gravity and does not limit itself in physical exertion, the discrepancy of the seam, which is not re-sewn, is gradually delayed himself. Such a wound requires careful care: it must be regularly treated with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of diamond greenery, and then apply an alcoholic or demixide bandage. Well accelerate the healing process The following ointments: sea buckthorn, with panthenol, levomecol.
  • If proper care fails, such a complication may occur as the infection. It raises a high temperature, a liquid is released from the seam. You need to immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, antibiotics and antibiotic ointments and hypertensive solution are prescribed with such a state. A week later, the condition stabilizes, and the seam begins to heal.

Folk methods for healing postoperative seam

Folk Medicine recommends the following means to accelerate wound healing:

  • Calandula based cream, in which you need to add a drop of orange oil and rosemary oil. It not only contributes to healing, but still used to prevent the formation of scars.
  • Seam healing oil: to a teaspoon of functional oil add a drop of tea tree and lavender oil.
  • Inside, it is possible to take syrup - blackberry with Echinacea. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

If the scar does not heal for a long time, while there are obvious complications, it is imperative that a person inspection is necessary, which will prescribe treatment to avoid negative consequences.

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