What to handle seams after surgery

What to handle seams after surgery

Seams after surgery require careful care. This will significantly accelerate wound healing and reduce the period of rehabilitation. The way of processing the wound depends on its location. In this article we will tell how to accelerate the healing of the seams after the operation, and how to care for them.

Crotch care

Worst of all heal wounds on mucous membranes. Typically, the seams are superimposed after the episiotomy or removal of hemorrhoidal nodes. Cuts in the crotch area can not be drained to dressing materials. Do not use the plaster, as it does not let the air. You need to try to provide sufficient air circulation. To do this, we carry only cotton linen.

What to handle seams after surgery

After the delivery with the use of episiotomy, try at night and do not wear underwear during your rest. Of course, after childbirth, Lochi is distinguished, but the use of pads significantly slows down the process of healing ruptures in the crotch area. So try to take a shower and wash the seams more often. During sleep, do not wear underwear, but use absorbent diapers.

Some doctors recommend handling seams in the perineal area peroxide. Do not trite wound, simply type hydrogen peroxide into the syringe and injected into the wound. Do not forget to remove the needle from the syringe. If you have seams after childbirth on the cervix, they do not need to handle anything. Cannot use douching. If necessary, the doctor will appoint candles or suppositories.

CARE ON THE RUBSS After Extensive Operations

If you experienced a weighty operation, then most likely, 7-10 days you will be in the hospital. All this time, the wound will take care of health workers. If you are discovered before removing the seams, you will have to handle them yourself. This can be done with:

  • zelenki;
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • sodium chloride;
  • manganese.

For the processing of the wound, you need to take a piece of sterile gauze and omit it into the solution. After that, gently flow the scar. You do not need to rub the bandage from the side to the side. If it does not feel anything from the seam, then there is no need to put it with a plaster or impose a bandage. In the air, postoperative scars are faster than tightened.

What to handle seams after surgery

Usually, the seams are removed 7-14 days after the operation. Up to this point, you need to close them with a bandage. It is best to do this in a clinic. After removing the seams, handle the scar is no need. After 2-3 days, you can swim and take a shower.

What to do if blood or pussy fits from the seam

In this case, it is worth consulting a doctor. This often happens after cesarean or other bandage operation. Most likely, Sukrovitsa will sing. When swelling and redness appear, you should not engage in self-medication. Urgently go to the surgeon. So that the clothes did not stick to the wound, it is necessary to lubricate it with sea buckthorn ointment or sprinkle with a crushed streptocide. He perfectly sues blood and speeds up wound healing.

Usually uninfected seams after surgery do not require some care. To minimize the discharge of blood, it is necessary to reduce the motor activity and not lift severity.

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