Suture after surgery, what to do

Suture after surgery, what to do

The chance of the seam discrepancy is present regardless of the type of surgery, the experience of the doctor or the material of the threads. From this article you will learn what to do if it happened, and how to avoid such a situation.


The discrepancy of the seams can be defined only after a thorough inspection. Causes may be different: Incorrect treatment of purulent wounds, some sharp movement or activity prohibited to you (for example, an attempt to sit / attract, depending on the operation), suppuration in the seams themselves. This is a rare case occurring in serious wounds. If the seam will disappear, then after its healing, a rougher and hard-to-pass scar will remain, so be careful and do not neglect the instructions of the attending physician, follow the rules for the seam:

  1. Process seams with antiseptics (for example, simple green), tie twice a day.
  2. Lubricate the wound with ointments based on panthenol or sea buckthorn or oil oil, they will accelerate healing.

Contact surgeon

If the seam still went out, the first thing is to contact the surgeon. If you do not have such an opportunity, sign up for reception to the hospital or visit the traumapunk (this can be done if the receivers of hospitals are no longer working, or you are away from the hometown). Your primary task is a consultation with a doctor. Do not attempt to engage in self-medication. If blood went out of the wound - teleate it or creek the plaster (depending on the size) and treat with peroxide / chlorhexidine, but nothing more.

Suture after surgery, what to do

After receiving the doctor

The doctor can make several solutions, depending on the state of your wound and its size.

Wound leave open

The doctor decides that it is better not to impose repeated seams, leaves the wound to heal and prescribe drugs that need to be careed at the wound:

  1. The site next to the wound should be treated with iodine, and directly the wound itself only rinse with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Enter the healing ointment on the wound, for example, a "rescuer" or "levomecol". These ointments will accelerate healing and reduce the future scar.
  3. Restore if the doctor gave such an indication.


If the wound is too serious, the doctor can apply a repeated seam. It should be careful as well as for the usual seam: processes it with an antiseptic, if necessary, tie. Remember: you still can not overvolt, all the recommendations that gave you at the first seam remain in force.


If inflammation was formed in the wound, drainage will be delivered. This means that the wound is not completely lost. The open area should be tied up and process as an ordinary wound: iodine / greenflaw, peroxide / chlorhexidine and ointment, and for the sewn plot - to care for the seam.

No one is immune from the divergence of seams, but it does not cancel your responsibility. Do not overvolt yourself and ignore the recommendations of the doctor - this will lead to an increase in danger, and maybe even undesirable consequences. If all the seams diverged, the main rule is not to engage in self-medication. Your main task is to get the help of a qualified specialist as soon as possible, and on the basis of this, make decisions, taking into account its recommendation. Such actions will provide minimal danger to life and get rid of many problems and complications in the future.

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