Gone voice what to do

Gone voice what to do

It is terribly unpleasant to suddenly detect your voice with hoarse or complete lack of opportunity to pronounce something intelligible. The reasons for this can be the most different: banal overvoltage of voice ligaments, exacerbation of chronic laryngitis in smokers, singers and lecturers, supercooling or viral infection. What to do to return the voice as quickly as possible?

Silent. Fuck me for a time of illness and in no case go to the whisper. Whatever enough, but the whispering makes our ligaments strain stronger than with the usual conversation.

Increase indoor air humidity. With the help of an air humidifier, water tanks placed around the apartment, or by means of wet towels, wipe on batteries. This method will allow you to soften your breath and reduce the pain in the throat.

Take a lot of warm drink. It can be herbal anti-inflammatory decoction, for example, from chamomile or oak bark, compotes, fruit. Some folk recipes offer as a very effective way to drink hot beer, as well as mulled wine - heated wine with a set of spices.

Try Gogol-Mogol. It is saying that Fyodor Shalyapin, with the help of him for the night, got rid of such an unpleasant illness, and the next morning was ready to give concerts. Two raw egg squirrels he mixed with two small spoons of sugar, and also added cognac in a mixture to taste.

Another popular method of combating voice loss is ginger milk. For its manufacture, grated ginger from one dry fetus add to a glass of milk. Pretty stirre and heat the resulting mixture, without bringing to a boil. Use inside with small portions hot 2-3 times a day.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you feel any breathing problems. Typically, antibiotic treatment is not required, but a bacterial infection can join the disease. Therefore, if after 2-3 days there is no relief, consult an additional appointment of medicines.

Russian doctors have published_shutterstock_70139644.

At the time of treatment, to completely give up smoking, avoid hypothermia and even after the voice has been gaining again, we carefully use them, not overwhelming the ligaments, giving them to fully recover.

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faith 09/12/2017 at 9:54.

I know that you need to be silent, you can not say with a whisper, you need to drink warm drinks and helps to restore the voice of the homeovox very well. This is a natural remedy, I learned about him when I went to work to school.

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