Bold knees what to do

Bold knees what to do

Knee pain can to appear At any age, people have a passive office lifestyle and athletes, a fat and thin complex for various reasons. Treatment scheme respectively, you need to select individually.

For in order for begin effective treatment first of allIt is necessary to consult with a rheumatologist or orthopist, conduct diagnostic procedures and find out the root cause of pain. At the discretion of the doctor, the following diagnostic procedures are possible:

  • common blood test may reveal arthritis and Bekhterev's disease;
  • biochemical blood test will detect the gout;
  • bone biopsy is carried out in order to identify tuberculosis;
  • sustav puncture will be the basis for sowing for pathological microorganisms;
  • x-ray - all common The type of diagnosis of diseases of the joints will detect the deformation of the bone, growths and education;
  • MRI And computer diagnostics will help see small deformations and neoplasms.

Pains in the knees most often happen a traumatic nature: bruises, stretching, damage to tendons and ligaments, dislocation, on stake and fracture. The pain is accompanied elemental, numbness and cold in the knee, the pallor of the skin in the place of the bruise. The first medical help will be the imposition of cold compress, raising the legs under an angle of 45. Degree. Using X-ray, the doctor will be able to determine the degree of damage. Treatment maybe restrict ourselves reception anti-inflammatory drugs, physiothereders or will be necessary surgical Intervention to remove fluid.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joints, including the knee. Infectious, traumatic origin, or as a result of circulatory disorders. Accompanied by pain in the knees, swelling, deformation of the joints. Treatment is assigned to S. accounting The original source of the disease. Antibiotics fight with infectious arthritis. Local therapy: Anti-inflammatory ointments, gels and creams, removal compresses edema. itDiclofenac Kebrex, Pyroxikam. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced inside the joint, which contains the nimesulide component. Effectively remove edema And the pain of physiothereders and therapeutic gymnastics.

Arthrosis is a violation of the structure of the joints without a pronounced inflammatory process. Revealed a genetic predisposition to the disease. Frequently suffer from arthrosis people with excess weight, old men and athletes. Sustain soreness, crunch feels with load. During the rest, the pain does not worry a person meanwhile The disease progresses without the necessary treatment. The joint will become limited mobility or at all. Treatment involves anesthetics and anti-inflammatory funds - Domexide, Bishofit. Hormonal preparations, physiotherapy, gymnastics, massage.

Gout - chronic The disease caused by the deposition of uric acid in the knee joint. Reasons may be injured, surgery, incorrect meals. Manifests itself with severe sharp pain in the form of an attack, predominantly At night. The joint loses mobility, swelling appears, redness. To remove a sharp attack of gouts, Kolchicin prescribed - removes the pain to two days. Alloprinol Accepted to slow down the salt deposition process. Probecid Displays an acid from the body. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, if necessary, corticosteroids. In the treatment of gage, the diet and drinking alkaline water plays an important role.

Baker's cyst - neoplasm in the patented jam, clearly Noticeable straight foot. Appears as a result of injuries or arthrosis Violations of the knee joint. It is characterized by redness, pain, tininess of the joint. The disease is dangerous by the gap of the cyst and the defeat of the nearest tissues. Treat anti-inflammatory drugs and magnetic resonance therapy. If gentle treatment methods are not effective and cyst reached large sizes, surgical removal of education.

Folk recipes help reduce pain and remove even With various diseases of the knee joint:

  • Lubricate warm honey And to wind the bandage, periodically change the bandage.
  • Quickly removes edema peel black Radies - must be applied to the sore joint.
  • When gougries, soda compresses help - put a gauze moistened with soda solution for half an hour. Removing, lubricate the joint heated Olive oil.
  • Nine, chamomile, calendula, dandelion flowers are used in the form of compresses. Possess anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • A decoction of dill seed helps to withdraw the stagnant liquid: in the glass of water boil a tablespoon of seeds. Take a spoonful day.

Find out the cause of the kensses and appoint the necessary treatment with maybe Only a specialist after medical examinations. No need to delay a visit to the doctor - the diseases of the knee joints lead to violations of blood flow and the mobility of the limbs. On time provided medical care will help to avoid pain symptoms and possible complications.

Comments leave a comment
Rome 02/06/2017 at 0:15.

Very good ointment Bee saved, I have long been using it. The effect is straight cool. Literally for a week, a stiff inflammation took off, I couldn't stand on the leg, and it was planted and as his hand took off, now I always keep it in the first-aid kit. By the way, at edema, it also helps well

To answer
    Alexander 05/19/2018 at 0:48.

    You can remove the reason for the pain in the knee.

    To answer
Hermann 02/16/2018 at 16:03

Of course, diagnosis (X-ray, MRI, etc.) will help to state changes in the knee, ointments and injections will make it easier for pain. It is important not to stop and look for the reasons that led to this, finding them to eliminate them. The balance of the muscles of the legs and abdomen, among other things, play a big role in the health of the knees.

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Kirill Sergeevich 06/25/2018 at 10:57

I had an osteoarthritis of my knee joint, knees were worried about a long time. Than just I did not smell them, the tablets drank, but the most effective treatment was the course of injections of alflutop. Of course, they are cognate, but they are really effective, now they don't hurt their knees. The doctor said twice a year it is necessary to calculate the course.

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Tatiana 07/17/2018 at 21:04.

Movement - this is what you need sore joints. And also well glucosamine-maximum due to chondroprotectors (glucosamine and chondroitin) in the joints restores, drank it with the course just recently. But still, the motor activity is also needed.

To answer
    Zhenya 07/21/2018 at 15:00

    Tatiana, did you appreciate the doctor or did you decide to drink? And how much time did the course take from you?

    To answer
      Tatiana 07/26/2018 at 13:04

      Zhenya, he would not have become, I think that the reception of any means should be discussed with the doctor. The course of glucosamine-maximum 2 months was 1 tablet per day. Now generally perfectly joints behave, do not creak.

      To answer
Svetlana 08/14/2018 at 15:34

Thanks to all for the advice and recommendations, otherwise I also started the knees from the office regime ...

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Marina 08/15/2018 at 14:17

The same nonsense from seats began, like you, light. I was much easier after the course of glucosamine maximum, there is just chondroitin and glucosamine - what is needed for our bones and cartilage. Sustains after the course reception even stopped criste)

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Sofia 09/30/2019 at 14:26

For many years I worked for a model, many think that the work is not hazy, go to myself on the podium, smile and get money, but no one knows. What is going on a high stud, twelve day day. Naturally, problems with essence began with age. Well, I was advised by Balsam Zhabi Stone, when I started using it, it became much easier. The pain is not instantly passes, and gradually, but then it does not return for a long time.

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Nastya 10/11/2019 at 11:44.

I was well helped with Honda Tablets, Evalir helped, took them and at the same time else's collagen saw. As for me, the approach from the inside always works better than any Masyuki and plasters there. The knees have not been hurt for a long time, so the effect was exactly from such means))

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Marina 20/04/2020 at 23:44.

My knees began to hurt after intense training, lowered the load, but still pain and discomfort remained. I called the doctor, he recommended to me the arthrophish start to take, its components contribute to a decrease in inflammation and pain, half of the course has already passed, there is really an improvement.

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Galya 03/04/2021 at 21:37

And I sane from my lap with Mazi Naftaderm. I smear my knees, I bite them with parchment and wind with warm tissue. From such a compression, inflammation subsided and the pain gradually leaves. I also tried chondroitin with glucosamine in tablets to drink, but there is an effect from them only while you drink them, but I stop it, then the problem is back again.

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Yana 19/10/2021 at 13:58.

It is characterized by redness, pain, tininess of the joint. The disease is dangerous by the gap of the cyst and the defeat of the nearest tissues. Treat anti-inflammatory drugs and magnetic resonance therapy.

To answer
Ulyana 23/10/2021 at 20:04

From my own experience, I can advise the same Honda MSM from Evalar. He proven very well and, moreover, the price wins among the analogues, especially if you order a phytomarket in the online store. It has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect, and contributes to the cessation of the destruction of the joint. So it will be useful to everyone.

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