Liquid in the knee joint - treatment

Liquid in the knee joint - treatment

It is possible to get rid of the water in the knee joint at home with the help of decoctions, ointments, tinctures prepared by popular recipes. Preparation of therapeutic agents does not require much time, components can be found in the kitchen.

General recommendations for the treatment of fluid in the knee joint

To achieve maximum effect, use an integrated approach to treatment.

  • At night, you can make compresses on your knee, and in the daytime, take infestas and decoctions.
  • At the time of treatment, avoid loads on your feet, do not run, do not go long.
  • It is not recommended to allow overweight body.

Ointment from the sprinkler and swine saline from the fluid in the knee joint

Finely put the grass with a socket, type a glass of raw materials and pour into deep dishes. Skip through the meat grinder 200 g. Swine fat and mix with the opponent. Mistively hold 5 days in the refrigerator. Ointment rub twice a day and wrap the elastic bandage.

Brigade of the laurel sheet from the fluid in the knee joint

In a container with 0.5 liters. Add 20 - 30 laurel leaves. Put the container on the fire, so for 5 minutes in such a state. Pour the fluid into the thermos and do not touch 3 hours. Perfect the tincture and drink the entire volume for 12 hours.

Before taking a decoction, clean the intestine, otherwise there will be an unpleasant allergic reaction of the body on the bay leaf. Take the drug is necessary for small sips.

Drink a decoction for three days in a row. Then make a weekly break and repeat the course of treatment. The decoction of the laurel sheet also eliminates the joints from the salts.

Rye grain-based remedy from liquid in the knee joint

  • Pour 250 g of grains into a saucepan and fill in two liters of water. Put the container on the stove and populate. Give the champ cooler, strain, add 0.5 liters of vodka, 1 kg of honey and 3 dessert spoons of finely chopped barberries. All components are well mixed and leave to appease for 3 weeks. All this time, the solar rays should not fall on the mixture. After insisting, take 3 tablespoons of the funds 3 times a day.

  • Another means using this cereal. Make a cake from rye flour. Grind onions on the grace and mix with water in the ratio of 2: 1. Mix well 1 st. Composition of honey, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the household soap and 0.5 cl. soda. On the knee first put onions, then a mixture of honey, soap, soda and on top of a rye cake. Secure all the ingredients with a bandage, warming up a towel or handkerchief. Result Feel through 3-4 procedures.

Decoration from Krenta from the knee fluid

Finely cut 1 kg of shit. Pour the mass into the container and fill with 4 liters of water. Heat the mixture and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the decoction, add 0.5 kg of honey and stirred carefully. Drink the drug on the glass per day.

Compress from beet juice from fluid in the knee joint

It will take beets and flap fabrics, preferably flax. On the shallow grater, soda beet. Pour the mass on the fabric, evenly distribute and attach to the knee. Top compress Cover the polyethylene and woolen scarf. Procedure, follow a few days in a row before bedtime, and remove in the morning. Beets quickly loses its properties, so use immediately after grinding. The amount of fluid will quickly leave the knee if squeeze the juice from the grated mass and immediately drink.

Pumpkin compress from fluid in the knee joint

Cut the big pumpkin, remove the insides and attach to the knee. Wrap a lot of polyethylene and look with something warm. Repeat procedure to complete curing.

Which offers classical medicine from fluid in the knee joint

Doctors offer to get rid of the fluid in the knee in two ways, both assume its mechanical removal.

  1. Plugs with which liquid is pumped out. To restore the knee joint, you will need 5-10 sessions. The procedure is very effective and does not require a reducing period.
  2. In difficult cases, the liquid is removed by a surgical method, for which you have to open the joint.

When treating folk remedies, it is impossible to ignore the recommendations of the doctor. If the knee is swollen and does not give up the leg to bend, as well as in the case of developing irreversible processes, it is necessary to urgently visit the clinic.

Comments leave a comment
Ivigina O. 10/11/2018 at 10:16.

I wanted to press, I did not give. Too scary, I can not tune in. I am generally a coward - any intervention for me is like death. Making compresses, saw sustalaife. For a month, everything went, the doctor said the liquid no longer

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