How to find money for surgery

How to find money for surgery

It is very terrible to realize that a person close to you is ill and needs an expensive operation and related treatment, without having a financial opportunity to help. You should not lower your hands - you need to look for money on operations in different instances.

If you ourselves need about the money for the operation, then you should not despair due to the lack of the required amount. Share your problem with relatives and friends. Firstly, you will be easier for them from their moral support, and secondly, maybe not the whole amount, but some part of the money will be able to collect.

If the operation is very expensive, you can try to take a bank loan. Or sell your property (car, garage, country house, bike). There is a merchant for each product, the main thing is to resolve the goods for sale. Another option is the exchange of apartments to a smaller size or moving from the city to a less cheap suburb.


If you work and have at least some social guarantees, then write a statement to the trade union organization of your company. Usually, the union after consideration of the statement on the Commission fully or partially satisfies it.

You can contact radio, television, social networks (classmates, etc.) and other media asking for help. To do this, you will need to open a personal bank account, whose data would be filed in the video or oral declaration.

Try to contact the local administration or to higher authorities. Sometimes, even if the request was rejected here, some separate deputies help in need.

Contact charitable funds that finance urgent operations patients. Foundations dealing with charity in medicine, a lot. Starting from local charitable funds under the administration and ending with international funds. To compile an application for a charity foundation, you will have to collect the entire package of documents, including documentary confirmation of the venue of the operation and its value.

Local volunteer organizations and simply unsolicited people will help you to carry out all the titanic work on applying for all organizations, and the specialized forums of patients will help humble with an inevitable operation and prompt good domestic and foreign clinics that operate people with a similar diagnosis.

Addressing assistance to other people in collecting cash for surgery and treatment, be prepared to report for the amount spent fully. To do this, you need to collect all checks and receipts throughout the term of treatment. Do not be afraid and feel free to ask about the monetary help of foreign, because your life or life of a person close to you depends on it.

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Elena 02/15/2015 at 11:03.

"Hello, dear benefactors!

They treat you for the help of the parents of a three-month-old girl, Kcheganova Arina.

We really waited for our baby. During pregnancy for a period of 24 weeks, the doctors were diagnosed with a congenital heart disease, the atresia of the pulmonary artery, the double detection of the main vessels from the right ventricle with transposition, DMPP and DMCP. For us it was shock! The remaining 18 weeks of pregnancy were overflowing with hope and doubts. We really wanted to believe that a terrible diagnosis is not confirmed ... But, alas, the diagnosis was confirmed, and the transposition of all abdominal organs was added, i.e. Their complete mirror reflection.

August 26, 2014, our amazing girl of Kocheganov Arina, weighing 3640 and 51 cm. Immediately after the birth, Arin began to prick drugs, so that Batalov Doc, and she could breathe. On the 10th day of life, she made auxiliary operation and put pulmonary anastomosis to make her daughter to breathe independently to a corrective operation. The operation was made to us in the Berlin Cardiocenter. Dr. Ovrucksky Stanislav Borisovich, head of the department of surgery, when discharged, gave us recommendations to make a second operation, when Arina will type 8 kg, but this is if the Arina does not drop saturation, and there will be an increase in weight.

Now the daughter is required by the most difficult operation for further correction of the vice. We again contacted the Cardiology Center in Berlin. The doctors of the Center are ready to accept Arish for further surgical treatment. The center sent us an account for a survey and an operation in the amount of 40.948.00 euros. Using friends, acquaintances and unfamiliar people were able to pay the first operation. For what we are very grateful to everyone who helped us! Now you need money again to pay for the Correction Correction Operation. Our family is very asking you for help in paying the upcoming operation! We will be immensely grateful to everyone who can help us!

Arisha, despite the lack of oxygen, grows an active girl, holding a head at 2.5 months. Very curious, requires her to be worn on her hands, so that she could look in all directions. Loves to swim. Our girl for us is a small miracle that every day brings us more and more joy. We see how it grows and develops, despite all the diagnoses! Every her smile, every one of her eyes, every minute spent with her fills with joy and meaning our lives!

We really look forward to your participation in the fate of our daughter.

Sincerely, parents of Kocheganova Arina. " Details for assistance: Sberbank map of Russia 4276 2200 1057 0888, Yandex wallet number 410012866758715

Ready to provide an account from the clinic


Andrey 09/17/2015 at 20:19

I have a spinal fracture after an accident. He applied to the clinic as a state of medicinal in Israel and they called me back, they needed the cost of which $ 50,000 and I will walk. I live with my mother's pensioner and son 3.6 year old. Help find the sponsor I myself have nowhere to take such money. Banks disabled loans do not give and what to do I do not know.

Egor 01/10/2015 at 0:28.

Hello, my best friend - Pasha found cancer 3 degrees, now lies in Korea and need a bone marrow transplant, the guy 18 years has recently turned out, you need $ 80,000, it's almost 6 million rubles. All I could help, but I need an operation urgently Since it is launched, and all the close people who could have gave so much, but everyone did not score a large amount. We no longer know what to do.


sergey020 10/22/2015 at 1:40

My mom has been sick for 5 years old. It is athrosis of the rullego of the knee joint, the operation of a high technology is paid, since the mother of the first group of the disabled person is not allowed the operation, and if they do it. Communion only 150 thousand rubles needed. For mom care I needed I used to work then fired due to the fact that I do not sometimes do not have time. Now I do not work. Help who has the opportunity to help my mom, she every sick is very tormented to watch how she suffers hurts very much, help 89293681360


Oleg 24/01/2016 at 8:47.

Hello! I do not even know how to write similar letters, I am very shameful to seek help, never when I didn't think that when it was necessary to do it. The fact is that I have already transferred three operations on oncology, there are two more, one of which (restorative) paid, you need three hundred thousand rubles, where to take them with disabilities in such a short time? In the bank if it will give that no more than one hundred thousand and under such interest, that until the end of the life will not pay. Of course I am just from despair, almost without any hope of helping, but still someone can respond, because there are miracles.


Olya 01/02/2016 at 19:54

Mom's arthrosis of the hip, almost does not walk, the operation in a specialized clinic in Chernivtsi costs 5 thousand dollars, 3 outbreaks, you need 2 more 2. No need to give, lend for a year.
Thank you, 0937190135 Olya

JULIA 06/02/2016 at 22:50

I write on behalf of a friend, very hard sick, his trushine is 2-3 spine and some kind of liquid comes out of these trinis and then it enters the muscles, after which it turns out both in the cold or ilfactory and press me the nerves from the legs that leads to The pains and to the fact that they are legs, doctors said that without operations he gradually and would not be able to move in many cases that he paralyzes, but they explained that he was still moving that his body and his heart had a strong way. I ask you to help him, since in this situation he cannot work, be in a difficult life situation, and terrible pains are tormented. If everything can, at least a little, he can get into operation. His account in the bank of Moscow 4652 0621 1446 2990 Seryree Valeriu Ivanovich


Natalia 14/02/2016 at 17:50

Good afternoon my friends and people who are now reading this message, appeal to you with a request for help. I know that in our time there are already a lot of scammers and believe people are not very easy. But in my life I have to ask for material assistance as a close man is very sick, my father Kannadjian Ruben Arutyunovich.
Nowadays, everything has to pay for everything. But in our situation, we pay for a bed every day, pay for pills, for tests .. And now it's all worth it is very expensive! Write how much every medicine costs, I think you should not, you are friends and You yourself know how everything is expensive in Moscow.
For several months, he had bleeding from the nose, he put the harnesses, the blood stopped, then he was again ..
Then I began to notice that it does not matter what it looks like, the pale became, it became bad to eat, the weakness was, dizziness, the appearance of blue points throughout the body .. and also there was blood from the nose ..
My father for his 44 years never lay in hospitals, and here it ... I barely persuaded it to go and pass the tests. They received a general blood test, received an answer .. and from this day, we began to take action.
The analyzes have shown us that he has been reduced hemoglobin-69, it is reduced by the number of thrombocyte-10, iron is lowered, and all indicators in its blood is low. With the loss of blood, it began to lose and everything else.
In one day, he became bad. He was called an ambulance, he was taken away, they took it in 123 hospitals of the city of Odintsovo. I lay 3 days in resuscitation, then I was transferred to the ward, there he lay down only 22 days. As a result, it was discharged without diagnosis and unchanged.
After that, we went to the hematology institute. Attached analyzes, paid a lot of money.
Then he was sent to the city clinical hospital No. 60, Moscow, Novogireevskaya Street, house 1.
There, too, analyzes, paid, for consultation with the professor paid .. there were also decently invested.

Now my father is in this hospital. We pay every day for his place, we pay for injections and for analyzes .. all through money .. it was taken by puncture (from the bone marrow), and now the result should be said.
Doctor said that there is a medicine, which one ampoule drugs costs 100 thousand. And it is not known how much it will be needed to him.
Who can help how much, you need money for treatment, a decent amount.
No map, send to the book: 42306.810.2.5209.0693488


Vitaly 02/17/2016 at 11:48.

Good afternoon. I have been carrying contact lenses for a long time. I recently wore a couple a little longer than the prescribed time and I developed conjunctivitis, very heavy. Now I can not wear lenses. And my eyes are minus on one 3 on another -3.5. I can't wear glasses as it is for me the biggest complex. In childhood, I wore them and from there remained bad memories. Operation in Fedorova's clinic costs about 100 thousand rubles. My wife is pregnant and I myself quit it from the eye. Help please anyone can. We do not have such money. I will be very grateful to everyone. All checks and receipts I will provide. Here is my Sberbank card. 4276 3000 2039 1218 Yakubov Vitaly Aleksandrovich. Krasnodar


vladimir 02/23/2016 at 15:01

guys help my brother need an urgent surgery for the heart. It remains to find 33,000 rubles. I have already collected 417,000 help

Elena 01/03/2016 at 16:26

Hello. Help please have a heart disease dad, you need to urgently make an operation, you need 70 TIS G, we have no such money, and we have nowhere to do, the operation should be done urgently. Do not want dad, but help nothing! Help


Elena 01/03/2016 at 18:09

reveziti Bank 5168757274619917.

Alexei 03/15/2016 at 10:53.

Hello! My brother epilepsy, he is 10 years old. Suffers from 2 years, you need money for the operation. Help who can. Electronic wallet number R208298356743.


Natalia 03/31/2016 at 12:51 pm


Natalia 03/3p3/2016 at 13:09

Hello I want to ask for help. We have no place to take money to my child made an operation on the heart of the UGU DMGP OAP. Now two more operations on the sky and on the jaw. Do not have a solid and soft sky and not before the development of the lower jaw. Please how much can my son have anyone Three months. Thank you a large in advance number Kiwi wallet 87778573311


Need an urgent operation 06/04/2016 at 18:53

Sorry, sealed, March 11, 2016

Sergei 06/24/2016 at 23:04

We also have trouble on trouble! The son in 2015 came to the oncology acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 2016 May 20 turned 3 years old. Now we sit on chemotherapy. After some time, it turned out mom too, I need an urgent operation on the ear, you need to go to Peter, she lies with a son in the hospital, I'm trying to earn at least something! Then it turned out that the mother-in-law also needed the mother-in-room operation too !!! ((well, it seems easier to have a quota, goes on June 30, 2016. She sits with a little daughter. We have a large family. The quota wife was in December 2016 G, but suffered because for 15 years they did not work all! And she urgently needed, they called asked how much it costs 180-200 TR! I don't know what to do. How to be !!! ((if the wife is taken away, working and sitting with children will be no one . Can someone tell me what to do ??? Would an opportunity to take, would be very grateful !!


Alexandra 02/07/2016 at 12:39

Hello! I am very ashamed to write about it, but I no longer have anyone to ask. My son urgently needs to change the hip joint. He is terribly tormented from pain, sleeps at night, moaning. Movages said that pain every day will increase and that operation It is necessary to do as quickly as possible, since the bones have already begun to rub each other. So it was already employed, but for 2016 everything is busy, only becomes queued for 2017, but we have no time to wait so much. I will help you, help who Maybe you need only 1,500,000 rubles. I am just a pensioner, I just don't find such money. Your phone number is 89281406491. Diagnosis can you read


Tatyana 07/29/2016 at 22:44.

Hello! I appeal for help for the first time, I do not know how I should be - my husband needs money for the operation. In addition to pensions and a small salary, we have no money. Relatives helped, but this is not enough. It is terrible to think that a healthy and sports man will like cancer !!! ... I will be grateful to any help! My phone: 89858139828.

Alexander 08/09/2016 at 13:55

Our little girl has a malignant brain tumor, it remains to collect 550,000 thousand rubles.
Our Yulia Two and a half years old, I took a loan of 600,000 thousand rubles. No longer gives any bank, his wife did not give a loan, the total amount of the operation is 11,50000 thousand rubles, there is not enough of almost half of the amount. To help us no one can from loved ones. We have no parents, died. We are a young family, we waited for this child so much, I want to smile again. I was glad to play played. Help the good people than you can, I work on three works, my wife is constantly with my daughter, but this money is enough for me to eat housing, since it is not for us, they are very expensive to the food and medicine they are very expensive, they just do not paint a lot to the time. Soon the operation remained two and a half weeks, we did not know that we would be in such a vital difficult situation. She is ashamed to ask for money from people, but life makes us save our little girl. No one who does not want this, I know that there are good people, please do not stay indifferent, please help than you can. Here is our account Yandex Money: 410012911973705.


olga Devloshova 10/11/2016 at 10:11

help please gather for a child's surgery for 4 years he has an oncological disease I need an urgent operation. Already 30 thousand has already need 70 thousand more. Help someone else can, my Sberbank card data 639002119005786968.

Dantshik. 04/12/2016 at 22:15

Glory and praise to the Lord God, who redeemed us with his blood and defeated death for us!
He does not need neither candles neither icons nor gestures. It is not blind and not deaf-and-meal!
Call to him through I do not want, through a cry and tears about healing and forgiveness for trying to attempt on your own and sins that remember and do not remember and not repentance for curse of ancestors!
Because the devil - our enemy really does not want our appeal to the Lord God,
Our Savior, who should not have nothing, loves us on her great grace!
And in communication with the Lord, take His love for people, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to distinguish a lie from the truth and the power of the redemptive blood of the Lord to cancel by its mouth with the name of Yeshua Savior and the blood of his deeline access through sin and proclaiming and proclaiming health and defeat death!
Where is the guarantee that despair does not come in your life and you will not need a miracle!
Joy in the Lord, our power!
Blessed crying, for they console.
(Matthek.5: 4)
God! Maybe your perfect will!
You have all times and deadlines!
A Jew is not a nation, but from the Bible of the wanderer of God, and Israel from the Bible cougle to people with the authorities and love of God, and Judea delimo. The drive righteously the famous Lord God! Who is called who is called and who are actually not the same thing!


Svetlana 03/22/2018 at 15:30

Good people ask for help. When I had everything and the apartment and good work, but put in the hospital. Lost a job, I wanted to sell an apartment, and buy at less, and the rest of the money for treatment. But she fell on a black realtor now not an apartment is not money or work.
I ask for help who does not feel sorry for 10-15 rubles. You will not lose you, but it will help me and take it on the room and on the room, until I find a job. I have no one to ask for anyone, please help.
Thanks to everyone big. God for you health.
Map number: 5469590011595470


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