How to transfer money to the card via phone

How to transfer money to the card via phone

To translate funds from one Sberbank card to another, no longer need to look for the banking department or publish the Internet. To date, a similar service can be used by phone. Consider in detail how to transfer money to the card using the SMS message.

Drawing up a request to transfer money to the card through the phone

To transfer money from one account to another is quite simple, for this you only need to make a right request and send it to a short number 900. This request is as follows: Perevod 1234567890 xxxxx. The word "Perevod" in this case acts as a command to carry out the operation, follow-up numbers are the phone recipient's phone number, and the "xxxxx" is the amount that you list.

Please note that the word "Perevod" can be replaced by similar commands: "Perevesti", "Translation" or "Translate". Other options are not loyal and cause system error.

An important condition for the implementation of such an operation is that the mobile number of your subscriber must be registered in the Sberbank mobile bank, otherwise it will not be possible to transfer money to the bank card of the subscriber. Before sending a message, do not forget to check the correctness of the number. It should be entered in 10 signs, without specifying the country's code and figures 8 first.

What to do owners of several bank cards to translate money through the phone

If you have issued several payment cards in Sberbank in Sberbank and connected each of them to the mobile service, then when sending a request, you must specify the number of the card with which the means will be written off. After the adjustable report, the message should have this kind: Perevod Yyyy 1234567890 XXXXX.

In this case, instead of letters "YYYY" you need to enter the last 4 digits from the number of the desired card. If your subscriber also uses multiple maps registered in a mobile bank, the system will automatically select the appropriate option.

Limits for money on a map through the phone

Sberbank of Russia in order to secure its clients introduced some limits for remittances through a mobile phone:

  • It is impossible to translate funds to your own phone number.
  • All enumerations can only be carried out with debit cards. Credit, corporate or virtual accounts for such a goal will not work.
  • Money is transferred only in rubles, with currency cards it is impossible to carry out such an operation.
  • For 1 day you can use the service no more than 10 times.
  • The limit of the general listed funds is 8 thousand rubles a day, and this applies to both departure and receipt of money.

Sending a message to transfer money to the card through the phone

If all rules are met and the message text is verified, you can send a request to number 900. After sending to your phone, the answer will come in which the confirmation code will be contained, as well as the details of the card with which you make the listing. If the data is correct, send the confirmation code back, without forgetting about the "#" symbol at the beginning. Do not forget that the Commission may be charged for such a service.

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